[Abstract]:Zhang Yuxin, a researcher, and Dr. Zhang Shuangzhi, a researcher, assembled the achievements of many years of Tibetan studies into a book, "the study of Summer Resort and Waibamiao in the Qing Dynasty," which was officially published by Xueyuan Publishing House in September 2013 and distributed at home and abroad. The book totals about 600000 words. The Summer Resort, also known as the "Riehe Palace," is the largest existing royal garden in China, and the Waiba Temple (the original 12 temples, commonly known as the "Waiba Temple") is the most preserved. The most perfect temple group of the Qing Dynasty royal Tibetan Buddhism. Their construction witnessed the consolidation and development of our unified multi-ethnic country. Many major measures taken by the emperor of the Qing Dynasty regarding the unification of the frontier areas were made in the summer resort. Therefore, Chengde is actually the second political center of the Qing Dynasty, the capital of the emperor outside Serbia, which is now the national key cultural relics conservation unit, and has been listed as the world cultural heritage name.
【作者单位】: 中国藏学研究中心;
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