[Abstract]:In modern history, the proliferation of folk guns in Kang District is an objective fact. The folk guns in Kang District have dual functions, that is, self-defense and production, weapons from the point of view of self-defence, and tools from the point of view of production. The boundary of official and civilian guns is not clear, and the duality of guns is the root cause of the proliferation of guns for a long time. There is a contradictory relationship between the duality of the same carrier, that is, the same carrier, which plays a different role in different periods of time, and these two kinds of utility are contradictory. The contradiction between government and private guns intensifies the complexity of gun problem. Although the government has been taking a strict attitude toward private guns, it has had little effect in Kang District, making it a special historical issue in the region.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院民族学人类学研究所;
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