[Abstract]:This paper analyzes the situation of several ethnic minorities crossing the Dragon Boat Festival with the help of the field investigation of minority nationalities. In view of the interculturality of multi-national folklore, the process of cultural acculturation of folklore communication is revealed. Through the differentiation and analysis of the ways of absorbing and presenting cultural elements in the process of acculturation, this paper sets up the culturalization mode of accepting the elements of Dragon Boat Festival by ethnic minorities. The first is the appearance of homogenization, living in the Han nationality region or multi-ethnic mixed living area, influenced by the Han culture, absorbed the core elements of Dragon Boat Festival, its festival nature and presentation is the same or very close to the Han nationality Dragon Boat Festival. The other is that a small number of elements which have been accepted or expressed have become more prominent and important symbols in the festival of the nation. Third, marginalized display, some ethnic minorities retain a unique way of festival, the essence of the festival is mainly song and dance communication, the Dragon Boat Festival cultural elements are marginal, but has long been considered as the Dragon Boat Festival, It makes the reproduction and expression of May Festival of ethnic minorities exist obvious "misreading".
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院民族文学研究所;
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