[Abstract]:Najiahu is a Hui village in Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous region. It is said that the family's surname Hui was a descendant of Na Su-Latin, the official of Shaanxi Pingzhang in the Yuan Dynasty. He moved here from Shaanxi 500 years ago. In 1524 (three years of Ming Jiajing), the mosque was built and gradually formed a Zhe Maati (teaching workshop) living around the temple. The family's history for hundreds of years has experienced disaster from prosperity to the suppression of the Hui uprising, from the revival of the late Qing Dynasty to the beginning of the Republic of China, to the re-decline of Ma Hongkwai's capture of troops due to the changes in administrative divisions. From the socialist transformation after the 1950 s to the revival of religion and commerce in the 1980 s. In 2001, the government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous region approved Yinchuan Municipal Government to build the tourist attractions of "Chinese Hui Cultural Park" based on the families of Nachuan, and put the village into "the hometown of the Chinese Hui nationality". The project was implemented in 2002. Since then, Na's family has been involved in a development process that has never been seen before: in 2002, more than 1000 mu of cultivated land was requisitioned to build a cultural park in China. After 2007, a large number of houses in the village were demolished to build folklore streets, squares, green belts and parks. Up to now, the project has been implemented for more than 7 years, and the garden has been completed and opened in September 2006. The third phase of the project, folk street, square, green belt construction and road widening, as well as the construction of old houses demolition work is under way. However, the implementation of the development plan did not make it clear to the villagers that their lives were richer than before, adding to their anxiety about the uncertainty of their future livelihoods. The completion and opening of the garden did not bring them more confidence and tranquillity, but rather brought them all kinds of new cultural troubles. In this paper, the author goes back to the process of the transformation of Najiayu from a Zhe Ma-ti to a "hometown of Chinese Hui", and the origin and meaning of the construction of "the hometown of Chinese Hui culture", as well as the prosperity and affluence of the family members in the past. And the present family members' vision for the future development and their difficulties are discussed and analyzed, and the development theory, the tradition and the modern, the center and the edge are discussed and analyzed. The relationship between economic construction and national cultural representation forms necessary reflection and review. The main conclusions are as follows: first, development is not only a problem of productivity growth within a region, but also a problem of adjustment and change of the relationship between regions. Second, development is a means, not an end. Third, the diversity of development is necessary. The author thinks that this kind of discussion has positive significance to enhance people's understanding of scientific development concept and harmonious society construction.
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