[Abstract]:The Hani people in Xishuangbanna belong to the Yani tribe and call themselves "Yani" or "Akka". " The term "aka" is not only widely used in Hani society, but also formally used in international academic conferences, but there are still some misunderstandings about "Akka" in academia, and some scholars believe that "aka" is a contemptuous term given by the Dai ethnic group to Xishuangbanna Hani. Discriminatory. In fact, Aka is not a Dai name for Hani, nor does Aka have any derogatory meanings such as slaves. It is not only helpful to understand correctly the history of the development of Hani nationality and the historical relationship between Hani and Dai nationality, but also to eliminate the misunderstanding between nationalities, by discriminating the meaning of "Akka" so as to make it clear that "Akka" is a self-proclaimed rather than he claims. It is also conducive to standardizing academic terminology.
【作者单位】: 云南大学民族研究院;
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