发布时间:2024-05-19 09:07
<正>On July 13, 2018, ten members of the research group for the volume on "the people’s livelihood" in the book series concerning the democratic reform in Tibet sponsored by the China Tibetology Research Center went to do research in the Khe gsum village in sNe dong county, Lho kha prefecture, TAR. On July 19, when our
【文章页数】:39 页
I.Entering the Khe gsum Village
II.bSod nams don grub’s Days in the Khe gsum gzhis ka
III.The Twilight of the New Society:Suppressing the Rebellion and the Democratic Reform
IV.bSod nams don grub Entering into the New Society
V.The“Heyday”of bSod nams don grub
【文章页数】:39 页
I.Entering the Khe gsum Village
II.bSod nams don grub’s Days in the Khe gsum gzhis ka
III.The Twilight of the New Society:Suppressing the Rebellion and the Democratic Reform
IV.bSod nams don grub Entering into the New Society
V.The“Heyday”of bSod nams don grub