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发布时间:2018-02-23 19:24

  本文关键词: 民主社会主义 国家 人性 资本主义 民主 专政 市场 福利 公民社会 全球化 民族国家 出处:《天津师范大学》2006年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:中国改革对市场体制的选择,一方面导致新自由主义思想的跟进,另一方面也提升了人们对民主社会主义思想的关注程度。后者的现代版实际上表达了对受新自由主义支配的市场机制的扬弃态度;并且,它是通过对国家职能的再认识来完成对市场机制负面后果的批判和纠正的。这种想法和做法在一定程度突破了新自由主义关于市场经济的理念,形成了对传统资本主义市场机制的某种超越,不能不引起中国社会主义者的深切重视。 当代民主社会主义国家理论是在社会民主主义国家观的基础上形成和发展起来的。民主社会主义认为,国家不是阶级统治的工具,而是一种支配民族经济、政治、文化和社会生活的人类共同享有的组织体。超阶级性和人性化是民主社会主义国家观的两个显著特征。民主社会主义否认国家的阶级性,是为其资产阶级改良主义服务的。民主社会主义主张改良、反对革命的国家观所依据的前提条件是战后资本主义国家性质发生的变化。 表现在民主和专政问题上,民主社会主义国家观把民主超阶级化,认为民主和专政是两个相互排斥的政治范畴,无产阶级专政妨碍了人性的自由发展。 表现在国家与经济关系上,过去社会民主党都较强调国家对经济的干预与调节功能,现今社会民主党主张重新界定国家在社会经济生活中的作用与功能,主张减少国家干预,放松国家对经济生活的控制,强调国家只是社会经济生活的“掌舵者”而非“划船人”。福利国家是当代民主社会主义国家观的表现形式之一。 表现在国家与社会关系上,民主社会主义认为国家和公民社会之间并不存在永久的界限。国家应当而且能够在更新公民文化方面发挥重要的作用;双方应当开展合作,每一方都应当同时充当另一方的协作者和监督者。 表现在国家与全球化关系上,当代民主社会主义认为,全球化的进程对当代的民族国家,,对国家主权造成了巨大的冲击和影响。但是主权国家仍是国际关系的主体。 当然,以社会主义市场经济为基础的中国国家观,不仅与以资本主义市场
[Abstract]:The choice of market system in China's reform on the one hand led to the follow-up of neoliberal ideas. On the other hand, it has raised the level of concern about democratic socialism. The modern version of the latter actually expresses an attitude towards the sublation of the market mechanism dominated by neoliberalism; and, It is through the re-recognition of the functions of the state to complete the criticism and correction of the negative consequences of the market mechanism. To some extent, this idea and practice has broken through the neoliberal concept of a market economy. The formation of a certain transcendence to the traditional capitalist market mechanism cannot but arouse the deep attention of the Chinese socialists. The contemporary theory of democratic socialist state was formed and developed on the basis of the concept of social democratic state. Democratic socialism holds that the state is not a tool of class rule, but a domination of national economy and politics. The cultural and social life of the human common enjoy the organization. Super class and humanization are the two prominent characteristics of the democratic socialist state view. Democratic socialism denies the class nature of the state. Democratic socialism advocates improvement and opposes the revolutionary view of the state on the basis of the prerequisite is the post-war changes in the nature of capitalist countries. On the issue of democracy and dictatorship, the concept of democratic socialist state makes democracy super class, and holds that democracy and dictatorship are two mutually exclusive political categories, and the dictatorship of the proletariat hinders the free development of human nature. In terms of the relationship between the state and the economy, in the past, the Social Democratic Party emphasized the function of state intervention and regulation in the economy. Now the Social Democratic Party advocates redefining the role and function of the state in social and economic life and advocating reducing state intervention. Loosening the state's control over economic life, emphasizing that the state is only the "steward" of social and economic life, rather than "boating", the welfare state is one of the manifestations of the contemporary democratic socialist state concept. Manifested in the relationship between the State and the society, democratic socialism considers that there is no permanent boundary between the State and civil society... the State should and can play an important role in updating the culture of its citizens; the two sides should cooperate, Each party shall act both as collaborator and supervisor of the other. In the relationship between the state and globalization, contemporary democratic socialism holds that the process of globalization has a great impact on the national state and the sovereignty of the state, but the sovereign state is still the main body of international relations. Of course, the concept of China's state based on the socialist market economy is not only related to the capitalist market.


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