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发布时间:2018-03-17 05:19

  本文选题:美国行政部门 切入点:政治腐败 出处:《外交学院》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 本论文旨在研究美国行政部门的反腐体系并探讨其成败。 作者研究发现,美国历史上曾经有几个时期官员腐败盛行,究其原因,主要是由于官员道德意识淡漠,反腐机制不健全,政府工作缺乏透明度。 本论文运用Miller, Spence和Roberts关于反腐体系的理论,分析了“水门”事件前后美国的反腐体系。作者发现,事件前后美国的反腐体系表现出不同的特点。事件前,美国行政部门的反腐体系往往是在问题出现后针对性地进行立法,规范官员行为,属于应对型体系;事件后,人们对腐败到了深恶痛绝的地步,联邦政府因而建立了一个全面的防腐、治腐的体系,属于预防型体系。在这一体系中,首先是通过道德规范、道德法律和相关教育提高官员的道德水平,其次是加强对腐败的调查、起诉力度,增加威慑力,第三是通过“阳光”法律、知情者举报和官员财务公开等制度增加政府工作的透明度。 这一体系在一定程度上遏制了腐败的蔓延,有助于提高公众对政府的信心,为官员的行为提供了更明确的指导。但同时也存在一些问题。反腐工作提高了财政支出,加重了官员的时间和精力的负担,给总统组阁和任命官员带来麻烦,同时也让政府工作效率低下。
[Abstract]:The purpose of this thesis is to study the anti-corruption system of American administration and to discuss its success or failure. The author finds that there have been several periods of official corruption in the history of the United States, which is mainly due to the lack of moral consciousness of officials, the imperfection of anti-corruption mechanism and the lack of transparency in government work. Based on the theories of Miller, Spence and Roberts on the anti-corruption system, this paper analyzes the American anti-corruption system before and after the Watergate incident. The author finds that the American anti-corruption system shows different characteristics before and after the event. The anti-corruption system of the United States administration often legislates specifically after problems arise, standardizing the behavior of officials, and it is a response system. After the incident, people have reached a state of abhorrence for corruption. The federal government has thus established a comprehensive anticorrosion, anti-corruption system, which is a preventive system in which, first and foremost, the moral standards of officials are raised through ethics, moral law and related education. The second is to strengthen the investigation of corruption, to prosecute, to increase deterrence, and the third is to increase the transparency of government work through the "Sunshine" law, informants reporting and official financial disclosure. The system has partly curbed the spread of corruption, helped boost public confidence in the government and provided clearer guidance for officials' behaviour. But there are also problems. Anti-corruption efforts have increased fiscal spending. Adding to the burden of time and effort, the president caused trouble in forming and appointing officials, as well as inefficient government work.


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