发布时间:2018-03-25 17:40
本文选题:朗诺政变 切入点:越南化 出处:《南京大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:研究当代柬埔寨的朗诺政变及其前后美国对柬埔寨政策的演变是既具有学术价值,又具有现实意义的选题。当时正值美国宣布要尽快结束越南战争,逐步在印支地区实现越南化计划之际,对越南化计划的实现具有重要地理、战略和军事意义的柬埔寨便发生了朗诺政变。政变推翻了中立的西哈努克政权,建立了亲美的朗诺政权。这一事件不仅在当时的世界范围内引起了很大的震动,也对美国的越南化计划造成了很大的影响。 朗诺政变之前,柬埔寨元首西哈努克为了在夹缝中求生存,不得不采取中立的政策,既不与西方国家过于亲密,也不和共产党国家走得太近。他起初对美国和北越的行动都保持默许,但是随着北越在柬埔寨活动范围的扩大,柬埔寨平民受其影响越来越严重,西哈努克无力赶走边境上的北越军队,加上柬埔寨国内的经济停滞不前,政治上危机重重。西哈努克的威信受到了很大的影响。 1969年,西哈努克为了缓解国内的危机,重组政府。野心勃勃的朗诺和西哈努克的宿敌施里玛达分别担任了首相和副首相,开始在政治上排除异己,日益孤立西哈努克。边境上不断的战火加上国内深重的危机终于让西哈努克决定动身前往莫斯科和北京寻求援助,帮他劝说北越离开柬埔寨。但西哈努克还没来得及带回莫斯科和北京对其帮助的消息。蓄谋已久的朗诺和施里玛达便趁其出国之际煽动民众对越南人的仇恨,发动游行示威,袭击北越驻柬埔寨大使馆。接着又对西哈努克纵容北越人侵犯柬埔寨领土的行为进行批判,混淆民众的视听。 朗诺政变发生在3月18日那一天,但其策划和实施却经历了漫长的岁月。其中包含着两个军人政治家一步步实现自己的目标的野心。这一历史事件改变了当时的局势,使得这个本来可以平静的生存的国家在政变之后经历了无数的腥风血雨。 美国方面,1969年,深陷越南战场的美国政府正准备从越南战场脱身,制定撤军计划的同时也想加快其越南化计划的实现,柬埔寨是其越南化计划中重要的一环。美国虽然对西哈努克放任北越在其境内拥有庇护所和供给线而对南越造成威胁不满,但西哈努克也默许美国在其境内对这些庇护所进行秘密轰炸。这虽然阻碍了美国“越南化”的进程,但中立的柬埔寨毕竟也不会倒向共产主义国家,局势基本可以保持平衡。 1970年发生的朗诺政变彻底打乱了美国的撤军计划。虽然中立的西哈努克被推翻了,但是明显亲美的朗诺建立的政权却让尼克松显得非常兴奋,他想通过援助朗诺打击在柬埔寨境内的北越庇护所而加快“越南化”计划的进程。但援助朗诺就势必会让美国抽身越南的计划延迟并加重美国国内民众的抗议。尼克松因而决定在表面上宣称要尊重柬埔寨中立立场的同时对柬埔寨秘密进行军事和经济援助。 但事态的发展远远超出了美国援助的脚步,北越和越共打着要让西哈努克重新执政的旗号开始从边境纵深进入柬埔寨,切断了通往首都金边的各主要通道,孤立金边。缺少武器弹药和训练的柬埔寨军队根本不是北越军的对手,节节败退,朗诺政权随时有被推翻的可能。尼克松此时的心情沉重又复杂,他既不愿看到朗诺政权被推翻后柬埔寨成为了一个亲共的政权,使得南越政权更加难以生存;又不愿因为国务院和国防部以及美国民众想要美国尽快从越南战场撤出而对朗诺政权的现状置之不理。 于是,尼克松做了一个大胆的抉择,不但要在军事和经济上继续援助朗诺,而且要出兵柬埔寨摧毁北越在柬境内的庇护所和供给线,这遭到了美国政府内部官员的强烈反对。但心意己决的尼克松不顾众人反对,毅然决然的要出兵柬埔寨。从最初的让南越出动地面部队,美国只在空中和炮火上进行支援,到最后的美国和南越联合出兵,这就把尼克松推到了风口浪尖。 本文正文分为六部分: 绪论,阐述了选题意义和研究回顾。首先概述了柬埔寨的地理位置的重要性,朗诺政变对美国撤军计划的影响以及美国在朗诺政变中所扮演的角色。其次归纳和总结了相关的研究成果。 第一章,“尼克松同柬埔寨恢复外交关系”概述了朗诺政变之前的国际背景,美国同西哈努克政权的关系以及演变过程,对美国在政变前对柬埔寨的政策做了一个大至的回顾。 第二章,“推翻西哈努克政权与美国政府的关联性及朗诺政变”主要探讨了朗诺政变的策划及形成过程,对政变中美国是否参与做了一定的分析和阐述,并引用多方观点,得出结论。接着详细描述了朗诺发动政变的过程以及结果。 第三章,“朗诺政变后美国对柬政策的演变”是文章的重点,详细描述和分析了朗诺政变后美国各方的反应,以及在经历重重策划和各种矛盾冲突之后援助朗诺计划的出台,分析了援助朗诺政府的必要性 第四章,“尼克松决定出兵柬埔寨及其后果”主要阐述了尼克松最后决定出兵柬埔寨的决策是如何一步步计划并实施的,探讨尼克松与基辛格同国会以及国防部等部门如何斡旋并在一致反对的情况下出兵柬埔寨。 结语,探讨了朗诺政变的影响和尼克松政策演变过程及后果的意义。
[Abstract]:The research of Kampuchea Nol coup before and after the evolution of the U.S. policy on Kampuchea is not only has academic value, but also has realistic significance. That was when the United States announced the end of the Vietnam War as soon as possible, and gradually realize the Vietnam plan on the occasion of the Indochina region, has an important geographical of Vietnamization, strategic and military significance to Kampuchea it happened. The lon Nol coup coup overthrew the neutral Sihanouk regime, established a pro american ranova regime. This event not only caused a great stir in the world, caused a great impact on the Vietnamese plans for the United States.
Ronald before the coup, the ruler of Kampuchea, Sihanouk in order to survive, to take the policy of neutrality, neither with western countries too close, not too near the Communist state. He first action against the United States and North Vietnam kept silent, but with the North Vietnamese in Kampuchea to expand the scope of activities, more civilians in Kampuchea seriously affected more, Sihanouk was unable to get rid of the border of the North Vietnamese army, with Kampuchea's economic stagnation, political crisis. Sihanouk's prestige has been greatly affected.
In 1969, Sihanouk in order to alleviate the domestic crisis, the reorganization of the government. The Ronald Sihanouk's nemesis and overweeningly ambitious application they served as prime minister and Deputy Prime Minister, started to get rid of the political, increasingly isolated. Sihanouk constant war on the border and domestic deep crisis let Sihanouk finally decided to leave for Moscow and Beijing to seek assistance. He helped persuade the North Vietnamese to leave Kampuchea. But before Sihanouk back to Moscow and Beijing to help the news. Premeditated Ronald and application of Mada will take advantage of the occasion to incite hatred of the Vietnamese people, demonstrations, attack the North Vietnamese Embassy in Kampuchea. Then on the North Sihanouk connivance the violation of Kampuchea's territorial behavior is critical, confuse the public hearing.
Ronald coup in March 18th that day, but the planning and implementation has experienced a long time. Including two military politicians a step by step to achieve their ambition. This historical event changed the situation, making the quiet life of the country has experienced countless reign of terror after the coup.
The United States, in 1969, the government of the United States bogged down in Vietnam is ready to get out from the Vietnam War, making withdrawal plan also to speed up the implementation of the plan of Vietnam, Kampuchea is an important part of the Vietnamization plan. Although the United States of North Vietnam have shelter and Sihanouk let supply line in its territory and a threat to South Vietnam unhappy, but Sihanouk also acquiesced in the territory of the United States Secret bombing of the shelters. Although this has hindered the process of "Vietnamization", but Kampuchea will also be neutral towards the Communist country, the situation can be basically balanced.
In 1970 the NOL coup completely disrupted the American withdrawal plan. Although the neutral Sihanouk was overthrown, but obviously the pro american ranova regime but let Nixon is very excited, he wanted to blow through the aid of Ronald in the territory of Kampuchea North shelter and accelerate the process of "Vietnamization" program. But the aid it Lenno will let the U.S. withdraw Vietnam plans to delay and increase the domestic protests. Nixon therefore decided on the surface vowed to respect the neutrality of Kampuchea, while the Kampuchea secret military and economic aid.
But the situation is far beyond the pace of aid, North Vietnam and the Viet Cong to reinstate Sihanouk banner started deep into Kampuchea from the border, cut off the main channel, leading to the capital Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh. The lack of isolation of weapons and ammunition and training of the Kampuchea army is not the PAVN opponent, retreat, Ronald the regime at any time possible to be overthrown. Nixon was anxious very much, he didn't want to see Ronald after the overthrow of Kampuchea became a pro communist regime, the South Vietnamese regime more difficult to survive; and not because of the State Department and the defense department and the American people want to withdraw from the war in Vietnam and the United States as soon as possible to ignore the status quo Lenno the regime.