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发布时间:2018-04-22 13:04

  本文选题:美国 + 信用体系 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2011年博士论文

【摘要】:信用及信用秩序是社会经济运行的基础之一,是经济交往的重要保证。发达市场经济国家的经验表明,良好的社会信用体系和信用制度能促进资源的有效配置,提高交易效率。从某种意义上说,市场经济的本质就体现为信用经济。当前,我国正处于社会信用体系建设的初级阶段,如何构筑适应我国现状和未来发展的社会信用体系已成为一项重要而紧迫的课题。 美国是当今世界上社会信用体系建设比较成功的国家之一。研究美国的社会信用体系对建设我国特色的社会信用体系有重要的参考价值和借鉴意义。本论文以美国为研究对象,在界定社会信用体系的概念、历史沿革、主要内容、发展模式及其选择的制度环境的基础上,梳理了中国传统文化中的诚信思想、马克思信用体系理论及近现代西方信用体系理论,考察了美国社会信用体系的产生和发展,分析了美国社会信用体系的重要内容及其特点,与德、日比较了美国社会信用体系发展模式,在借鉴美国社会信用体系主要经验、从中国实际情况出发的基础上,对构建具有中国特色的社会信用体系提出了政策建议。
[Abstract]:Credit and credit order is one of the foundations of social economic operation and an important guarantee of economic communication. The experience of developed market economy countries shows that a good social credit system and credit system can promote the effective allocation of resources and improve the efficiency of transaction. In a sense, the essence of market economy is credit economy. At present, our country is in the primary stage of the construction of social credit system. How to build a social credit system adapted to the present situation and the future development of our country has become an important and urgent subject. The United States is one of the most successful countries in the world in the construction of social credit system. The study of American social credit system has important reference value and significance for the construction of social credit system with Chinese characteristics. On the basis of defining the concept of social credit system, historical evolution, main content, development mode and the choice of institutional environment, this thesis combs the thought of honesty and credit in Chinese traditional culture, taking the United States as the research object. Marx's theory of credit system and modern western theory of credit system have examined the emergence and development of American social credit system, analyzed the important contents and characteristics of American social credit system, This paper compares the development mode of American social credit system and puts forward some policy suggestions on the construction of social credit system with Chinese characteristics on the basis of drawing lessons from the main experience of American social credit system and proceeding from the actual situation in China.


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