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发布时间:2018-04-28 15:59

  本文选题:自由职业者 + 正式员工 ; 参考:《对外经济贸易大学》2006年硕士论文

【摘要】:青年问题在当今日本社会堪称最大课题。失业率高涨自由职业者激增问题少年大量出现学生综合素质下滑不婚不育等,当今的日本青年正在各个领域遭遇到前所未有的挑战。 本论文将围绕其中的自由职业者问题,即日本青年的就业问题展开讨论。 据日本内阁府统计,自由职业者的人数已经从1990年的182万人激增到了2001年的417万人。除去家庭主妇和学生外,日本青年五个人中就有一个属于自由职业者。低收入的自由职业者群体的激增势必会对日本社会造成不容忽视的影响。可以说,自由职业者问题已经从个人层面上升到了社会整体的高度。 围绕自由职业者问题展开的讨论,迄今为止大多停留在自由职业者本人的意识水平阶段,是作为个人的价值观问题被讨论的。多数情况下,自由职业者给人以消极印象,很多人认为这一群体骄纵任性,及时享乐,缺乏就业意识,认为自由职业者数量的激增应当归结于自由职业者本身。本论文恰恰持与此观点相反的态度。与其说是年轻人自身的原因,不如说是日本泡沫经济破灭后经济状况的低迷和企业用人制度的变化滋生并加剧了日本青年严峻的就业现状。 本文将从经济学的观点分析自由职业者激增现象,明确自由职业者群体的实际状况,分析自由职业者的激增给本人及日本社会带来的影响,并站在青年的角度提供一定的解决方案和建议。 首先在第一章,具体分析自由职业者的特征并就其就业意识展开论述。第一节将详细介绍自由职业者的定义数量性别年龄学历地区分布及类型等。 日本内阁府将自由职业者定义为处于15-34岁之间(除去在校学生和家庭主妇外)打短工(含派遣员工)及有就业愿望但处于无业状态的人。本文开头提出的2001年自由职业者达到417万的结论便是基于此定义得出。2001年自由职业者的性别比例男性为48.1%女性为51.9%,女性的比例首次超过了男性。自由职业者长期处于打工和无业状态,工作经历不稳定,很难受到用人单位的青睐而得到转正的机会,年龄高峰段出现由20-30岁间的前半段向后半段移动的趋势。 关于自由职业者的学历,2002年3月各院校中高中毕业的无业人员最多,为14万人,约占高中毕业人数的10%,参加工作人数的0.62倍。而大学学历的自由职业者近两年数量增长迅速,2002年时增加到了12万人。 另外,当今的人才市场,理工类技术类的毕业生处于供不应求状态,而文体艺术类则相对处于买方市场,供过于求。两类不同专业的毕业生就业呈两极分化趋势也是自由职业者学历构成的一个特征。 不同地区自由职业者的分布差别也是较大的。主要表现为东京地区和关西地
[Abstract]:The problem of youth in Japanese society today can be called the biggest topic. High unemployment? A proliferation of freelancers? A lot of troubled teenagers? Students' overall quality decline? Today's young Japanese are facing unprecedented challenges in all fields. This paper will focus on the freelancer problem, that is, the employment of Japanese youth. The number of freelancers has soared from 1.82 million in 1990 to 4.17 million in 2001, according to the Cabinet Office. Aside from housewives and students, one in five young Japanese is a freelancer. The proliferation of low-income freelancers is bound to have a significant impact on Japanese society. It can be said that the problem of freelancers has risen from the personal level to the height of the whole society. Up to now, most of the discussions on freelance issues remain in the level of consciousness of the freelancers themselves, and have been discussed as personal values. In most cases, the freelancer gives a negative impression, many people think that this group of arrogant, timely enjoyment, lack of employment awareness, the number of freelancers should be attributed to the proliferation of freelancers themselves. This paper holds the opposite attitude. It is not so much the young people themselves but the economic downturn after the bursting of Japan's bubble economy and the changes in the enterprise employment system that breed and exacerbate the grim employment situation of Japanese youth. This paper will analyze the phenomenon of the proliferation of freelancers from the point of view of economics, clarify the actual situation of the group of freelancers, and analyze the impact of the proliferation of freelancers on themselves and the Japanese society. And from the perspective of youth to provide certain solutions and suggestions. In the first chapter, the author analyzes the characteristics of freelancers and discusses their employment consciousness. Section I describes the definition of freelancer in detail. Quantity? Sex? Age? Degree? Regional distribution and type. Japan's Cabinet of Ministers defines freelance as between the ages of 15 and 34 (except for schoolchildren and housewives? Short-time workers (including dispatched employees) and people who have a desire to work but are unemployed. At the beginning of this paper, the conclusion that the freelancer reached 4.17 million in 2001 is based on this definition. The sex ratio of the freelancer in 2001 was 48.1%? For the first time, women outnumbered men at 51.9. For a long time, the freelancer is in the state of working and unemployed, the work experience is unstable, it is difficult to be favored by the employer and get the opportunity to turn positive, the age peak period appears the trend from the first half of 20-30 years old to the second half. As for the qualifications of freelancers, in March 2002, the number of unemployed persons who graduated from high school was the highest in all colleges and universities, accounting for 140000, about 10 of the high school graduates, and 0.62 times of the number of people who took part in the work. The number of college-educated freelancers has grown rapidly in the past two years, rising to 120000 in 2002. In addition, today's talent market, science and technology? The graduates of technology are in short supply, while the arts and culture are in the buyer's market. The employment of two kinds of graduates with different specialties is also a characteristic of freelance education. The distribution of freelancers in different regions is also quite different. Mainly manifested in the Tokyo area and Kansai


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