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发布时间:2018-05-02 07:41

  本文选题:救灾 + 救灾体系 ; 参考:《中共中央党校》2006年博士论文

【摘要】:2006年恰逢唐山大地震30周年,切尔诺贝利核事故20周年。虽然唐山大地震属于自然灾害,切尔诺贝利核事故,属于人为技术灾害,但从对灾害的防范,到灾时的反应,再到灾后的救助,都存在着救灾反应迟钝、缺乏专业救灾设备、指挥调度混乱、灾害救助不及时等共同的问题和教训。时过境迁,印度洋海啸等灾害的教训却再次提醒人类,防灾救灾的意识亟待提高,防灾救灾的能力亟待加强,救灾体系亟待完善。 事实上,现代意义上的灾害不仅包括自然灾害还包括人为灾害,一些世界大国都在总结自身的一些教训,以提高综合防灾救灾的能力。1995年日本阪神·淡路大地震后,日本政府出台了一系列的法令,以促进其救灾过程全系统的优化;“9·11”后,美国政府成立了国土安全办公室,随后又成立了国土安全部,将其负责救灾的主要部门联邦应急管理署归入旗下,以提高综合防灾救灾能力;2003年SARS之后,中国政府制定并颁布了《国家突发公共事件总体预案》,还调整和成立了国家安全生产监督管理总局、国务院应急办等单位,以增强处置突发事件的能力。 借鉴国外的先进经验,有利于提高各国防灾救灾的能力。目前,各国的救灾体系和各大洲的救灾组织活动,受灾种、经济发展程度、政治体制等因素的影响,,有很大的差异,但是,可以在自身实际和实践的基础上,通过对救灾体系的概况总结,对各国应急机制、救助机制的比较,分析救灾的应急处置和灾害救助的特点和好的经验;通过对各国的法律制度、组织结构和体系、科技保障、非政府组织等方面的比较,找出完善救灾体系的有效措施;通过对各大洲的救灾组织活动的比较,加强救灾中的国际合作和协作,对于世界各国和民众都有裨益。总之,需要通过总结教训、相互借鉴、取长补短、密切协作,完善各国、各大洲乃至全球的救灾体系,促进世界的和谐和可持续发展。 从中国的实际情况来看,今后,国家救灾体系的建设需要注意综合风险管理,加强战略层面的全面考量,统一制定防灾救灾的国家战略规划,完善救灾的法律、法规、预案和机制,实现“灾后经验型”向“战略规划型”救灾体系转变;进一步推广防灾型社区和乡村的建设,加强公民救灾素质和意识的培养和锻炼,建立
[Abstract]:The year 2006 coincides with the 30th anniversary of the Tangshan earthquake and the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Although the Tangshan earthquake is a natural disaster, a Chernobyl nuclear accident, and a man-made technological disaster, but from disaster prevention, to disaster response, to post-disaster relief, there is a lack of specialized disaster relief equipment. Command and dispatch confusion, disaster relief and other common problems and lessons. However, the lessons of the Indian Ocean tsunami and other disasters once again remind mankind that the awareness of disaster prevention and relief needs to be improved, the ability of disaster prevention and relief to be strengthened, and the disaster relief system urgently to be improved. In fact, disasters in the modern sense include not only natural disasters but also man-made disasters. Some major countries in the world are summing up their own lessons in order to improve their comprehensive disaster prevention and relief capabilities. The Japanese government has issued a series of decrees to promote system-wide optimization of its disaster response process; after 9 / 11, the United States government established the Homeland Security Office and then the Department of Homeland Security. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), its main department responsible for disaster relief, was subsumed to improve its comprehensive disaster prevention and response capacity; after SARS in 2003, The Chinese Government has formulated and promulgated the General Preparedness Plan for State Emergencies, and has also adjusted and established the State Administration of production Safety Supervision and Administration, the State Council Emergency response Office, and other units to enhance its ability to deal with emergencies. Learn from the advanced experience of foreign countries, is conducive to improve the ability of disaster prevention and relief. At present, there are great differences between the disaster relief systems of various countries and the activities of disaster relief organizations, the kinds of disasters, the degree of economic development, the political system, and other factors. However, they can be based on their own practice and practice. Through summing up the general situation of the disaster relief system, comparing the emergency mechanisms and rescue mechanisms of various countries, analyzing the characteristics and good experiences of emergency management and disaster relief in disaster relief, and through the legal system, organizational structure and system of each country, scientific and technological guarantee, Through the comparison of the activities of disaster relief organizations on different continents and the strengthening of international cooperation and cooperation in disaster relief, it is of benefit to all countries and people in the world to find out the effective measures to improve the disaster relief system. In short, we need to learn from each other, learn from each other, closely cooperate, improve the disaster relief system of all countries, continents and even the whole world, and promote the harmonious and sustainable development of the world. Judging from the actual situation in China, in the future, the construction of the national disaster relief system needs to pay attention to comprehensive risk management, strengthen overall consideration at the strategic level, unify the formulation of the national strategic plan for disaster prevention and relief, and improve the laws and regulations for disaster relief. Plan and mechanism to change "experience after disaster" to "strategic planning" disaster relief system; further promote the construction of disaster prevention communities and villages; strengthen the training and training of citizens' quality and awareness of disaster relief; and establish


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