发布时间:2018-05-16 23:08
本文选题:治理 + 地方治理 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2008年博士论文
【摘要】: 地方治理在任何一个国家都占有举足轻重的地位,它一方面承担着国家对地方的政治统治功能,另一方面又要履行为地方居民提供公共服务的职能。英国既是“地方自治之母”、最早的现代国家、最早实现城市化和工业化的国家,又是20世纪地方治理改革的先行者,它在地方治理方面有着丰富的经验和教训,研究英国地方治理变迁因此有着特殊的理论与现实意义。 英国地方治理的历史最早可以追溯到罗马对不列颠的殖民统治时期。当时的不列颠尚未有国家产生,地方治理的主体是一些罗马人建立的行省和城市以及当地人组成的乡村政府,城市是当时的行政管理中心,由当地富裕市民组成的议事会实行自治。城市对乡村经济上的掠夺关系造成了当时乡村对城市政治上的依附关系。 409年罗马人退出不列颠之后,盎格鲁—萨克逊人又入主英格兰,并在这里建立了若干具有原始的军事民主制色彩的盎格鲁—萨克逊王国。郡,这一英国最重要的地方政府就产生于这个阶段,并且成为了以血缘和家臣关系为基础的王权向以占有领土为基础的地域性君权过渡的标志,郡、百户区和十户区构成了当时主要的地方政府体系。与郡、百户区和十户区同时承担当时地方治理功能的还有游离于它们之外的自治市和领地法庭,只是后二者尚处于萌芽期。 1066年的诺曼征服使得英国进入封建王权时代。为了加强对地方的控制,征服者采取了两大举措,一是任命郡长取代伯爵作为地方最高长官;二是实行了分封制:英格兰的1/5留给自己,1/4给教会,其余分封给180个直属封臣,并要求次级封臣也要向其宣誓效忠。后来理查一世为了扩大王室收入出卖了许多城市的自治权,因此自治市在这一时期获得了较大发展。于是这一时期就形成了郡—百户区、领主及庄园法庭、教会法庭和自治市等多主体共同治理的地方治理格局。 1485年结束的玫瑰战争大大削弱了贵族势力,此后的宗教改革也把教会纳入了王权掌握之下,枢密院和星座法庭的设置又进一步加强了王权,一个空前强大的绝对主义国家产生了。为了进一步加强对地方的控制,王国又任命了地方乡绅为治安法官用以取代日益坐大的郡长。为了缓解圈地运动造成的流民所产生的压力,教区由过去的宗教组织被赋予了济贫功能从而变成了英国的基层政府,只是济贫要受到郡治安法官的监督。这一阶段的地方治理发生了三大变化,一是郡的最高长官从过去一向由国王亲信担任的郡长变成了由地方乡绅担任的治安法官,这是一个使郡产生地方化倾向的因素;二是地方政府被赋予了济贫功能,这是一个地方政府职能从政治统治向公共服务转变的信号;三是领主及庄园法庭、教会法庭迅速衰弱,地方治理主体也大为简化。 1688的光荣革命确立了君主立宪之后,英国进入了守夜人国家时期。“守夜人”的称号不只意味着国家对经济的放任,还有中央政府对地方事务的放任——地方自治由此获得了稳步发展,郡治安法官免于中央干预而成为了地方事务的主宰,甚至形成了所谓的“老板统治”。1832年议会改革放松了议员选举资格的限制后,地方民主也随之而来。1834年济贫法规定设立的单一目的的地方政府——民选济贫联盟负责济贫事务,这一方面形成了对郡治安法官分权的局面,另一方面也开始了以特别区政府提供公共服务的尝试。1835年市政法案规定了自治市政府由纳税人民主选举产生,现代地方自治的原则从此被正式确立下来。至此,地方治理的主体就成为了郡、特别区和自治市。 1880年之后的经济危机引起了英国人对贫困、失业问题解决方案的重新思考,但真正给这一问题的解决带来转机的是1884、1885年的议会改革。这次改革不但给人民主权带来了巨大的推动,也引起了地方治理格局的变化。1888年、1894年及1899年地方政府法规定“郡—区—教区”都要设立民选议会(小教区则设立教区大会)作为地方权力机关,现代地方政府体系正式确立下来。1929年济贫法把济贫事务又转交给了郡,意味着特别区尝试的结束。1945年工党上台正式开始了福利国家的建设,相应地地方政府也被变成了国家福利工具。由于地方服务职能大量增加,中央不得不加大对地方的财政补贴,地方自治也随之削弱。为了提高公共服务能力,1960、1970年代展开了大规模的地方政府重组。福利国家时期地方治理的特点是治理主体趋于单一,地方政府职能从政治统治为主转变为以社会福利提供为主。 1979年撒切尔夫人上台执政开始治疗福利国家所带来的英国病,英国进入了后福利国家时代。在地方治理方面撒切尔等保守党人开出的药方是限制地方开支,削弱地方政府的服务职能,运用市场机制以企业提供服务,压扁地方政府层级、增加财政透明化。英国病在减弱,但公民享受的服务也大为削减。1997年布莱尔上台后推行了第三条道路,修正了保守党的地方治理政策,其主要措施是权力下放,设立区域化政府以协调地区发展,提倡公民参与,设立直选市长制提高行政效率,以最佳价值模式提高服务绩效,塑造多种治理主体之间的伙伴关系。后福利国家时代地方治理的特点是由过去纯粹依靠地方政府提供公共服务向多种治理主体转变。 整体而言,英国的地方治理出现了职能由政治统治为主向公共服务为主的转变,治理主体经历了一个单一与多元之间的反复变化,治理方式也存在一个从早期自治向加强中央集权过渡、再到现代地方自治、又到多主体协作治理的转变。出现这种变迁,既是适应国家形态变迁的结果,又是经济与社会条件变化的结果,也还会受到社会观念的影响。地方治理的这些变迁既完善了国家形态的发展,又促进了经济与社会条件的改善,还会不断地提高公民在地方治理中的地位。
[Abstract]:The local governance plays an important role in any country . It has the function of the state ' s political domination over the local area , on the other hand , the function of providing public service for the local residents . The United Kingdom is both the " mother of local self - government " , the first modern country , the first country to realize the urbanization and industrialization , and the pioneer of local governance reform in the 20th century . It has rich experience and lessons in local governance , and it has a special theoretical and practical significance to study the changes of local governance in Britain .
The history of British local governance can be traced back to Rome ' s colonial rule in Britain . At that time , Britain had not yet had a country . The subject of local governance was a village government of provinces and cities established by some Romans and local people . The city was the administrative center of the time . The city was a village government composed of the local affluent citizens . The city ' s pillaging relation to the rural economy caused the country ' s attachment to the city politics .
After the return of the Romans to Britain in 409 , the Anglo - Saxons joined in England and established a number of Anglo - saxon realms with primitive military democratic colors .
The Norman conquest of 1066 has made Britain enter the era of feudal royalty . In order to strengthen the control over the local area , the conscript took two major steps : 1 / 5 of England left to himself , 1 / 4 to the church , the rest to 180 immediate feudal lords , and demanded that the subordinate feudal lords to swear allegiance to him .
In order to further strengthen the control of the local government , the kingdom has appointed local squire to replace the growing county sheriff . In order to further strengthen the control over the local government , the district has appointed local squire as the magistrates of the county magistrate . In order to alleviate the pressure exerted by the local government , the district governor has been endowed with the function of the local government . This is the signal that the local government functions from the political rule to the public service ; thirdly , the lord and the estate court , the church court is rapidly declining , the local governance subject is greatly simplified .
After the glorious revolution of 1688 established the constitutional monarchy , Britain entered the period of the state of the night . The title of " the guardian of the night " does not only mean that the state is responsible for the economy , but also the central government ' s free _ local autonomy for the local affairs has gained steady development , and the local democracy has followed . In 1834 , the local government , the local government , which established the single purpose , has also begun to provide public services to the district magistrate . The municipal bill of 1834 established the autonomous municipal government to be elected by the taxpayer ' s democratic election , and the principle of modern local autonomy has been formally established . At this point , the main body of local governance has become the county , the special district and the autonomous city .
The reform of local government has brought great impetus to the people ' s sovereignty , and the local government has become a national welfare tool . In the year of 192, the local government has been transformed into state welfare tool . In order to improve public service capacity , the central government has had to enlarge the local government . In order to improve public service capacity , the local government function in 1960s and 1970s was the main trend of governance , and the local government function changed from political domination to social welfare .
In 1997 , Blair , such as Thatcher et al . , introduced a third path to improve service performance and shape a partnership between various governance bodies . The local governance in the post - welfare state is characterized by the transformation of public services to various governance subjects by the past purely by local governments .
As a whole , Britain ' s local governance has changed from political domination to public service . The governance body has undergone a transition from early self - government to strengthening centralized centralization , and then to modern local self - government and multi - subject cooperative governance .
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