本文选题:大国博弈 + 美国研究所 ; 参考:《美国研究》2013年03期
[Abstract]:On July 18, 2013, the American Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences held a symposium on "the situation in Syria and the Game of Great Powers". From China Institute of International Studies, China Institute of Modern International Relations, Renmin University of China, National Defense University, Department of General staff of the people's Liberation Army, Institute of Western Asia and Africa, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, More than 20 experts from the Central Asian Institute of Eastern Europe and the American Institute attended the meeting. The participants held in-depth discussions on the current situation and its trend in Syria, the relations between Syria and the Arab world, the great power game around the Syrian issue and China's policy choices. (1) the nature of the Syrian issue; researcher Li Guofu of the China Institute of International Studies points out that the Syrian issue is no longer a regional issue, but a mirror reflecting the contrast of international political power. What's special about Syria's current problems is that history
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