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发布时间:2018-05-19 10:51

  本文选题:公民社会 + 欧洲公民社会组织 ; 参考:《山东大学》2010年博士论文

【摘要】:2009年《里斯本条约》正式生效以来,欧洲一体化翻开了崭新的一页,欧盟进入一个新的发展阶段:在50多年来的运作实践中,欧盟已经成长为一个强大的机构角色,获得了更强的竞争力,布鲁塞尔的决策制订越来越影响并改变着成员国的政治生态以及普通人的日常生活。在欧盟这样独特而复杂的多元化的背景下,如何做好社会协调,保证各阶层的参与,进而保证决策的民主性、科学性、可执行性,实现有效的民主治理,是非常重大的问题。欧盟是如此独特的一个政治体系,不可能完全复制民族国家采用的民主体系和制度。欧洲政治一体化进程中的挫折,尤其是欧盟宪法条约的失败让欧盟机构意识到,要尊重民意,在决策前吸取欧洲公民意见,从制度上保证并强化多元社会角色的参与。从另外一个角度看,在现代社会,公民对政治生活的参与,需要有合理的中介和代表,通过适当的组织机构来表达自己的利益诉求,公民社会组织就是公民参政议政的渠道之一。在欧盟多层治理框架下,公民社会组织作为公民多元利益的组织化代表,也得到了欧盟决策机构的重视,成为治理的主体之一,成为欧盟事务的积极参与者。 在掌握大量国内外有关欧盟欧盟治理和公民社会等方面研究的资料和文献的基础上,本文从一个新的角度对欧盟治理的过程进行了较为深入的研究,把林肯关于民主的定义--民有、民治和民享(government of the people, by the people and for the people)--和内涵延伸到欧盟治理层面,着重探讨欧盟这一特殊政体内部如何通过公民及其组织对欧盟决策过程的参与来体现民治意义上的民主治理(governance by the people),以弥补欧盟民主合法性的不足,促进欧盟治理的实现。文章结构安排和主要观点如下: 第一章、公民社会理论和内涵的历史演进。公民社会概念在欧洲有着悠久的历史传统,其久远历史可以追溯至古希腊罗马时代,其理论内涵随着人类社会和政治体系的发展而不断演进。 古典理论认为公民社会是与野蛮状态相对立的文明社会,也是由公民构成的政治社会。中世纪后期,随着东西方贸易的发展,现代意义上的城市在欧洲相继兴起,市民为了保护自己的经济利益不受侵害,自愿组织起行业协会和同业公会,这些是广义上公民社会组织的最初形态。13-15世纪在欧洲波罗的海流域形成的汉萨同盟作为具有一些政治功能的商业贸易联合体,从某种意义上讲,是欧洲最早的跨越国界的市民社会组织,其性质与本文所讨论的欧盟范围内的公民社会组织有共同之处。 而在近代启蒙思想家如洛克、孟德斯鸠等的理论中,公民社会就是政治社会,与自然状态相对立,而此时国家就是拥有了最高权威的政治社会。以黑格尔和马克思为代表的现代公民社会理论,把公民社会与政治国家分离开来,此时的公民社会主要是经济关系。 而当代思想家则把公民社会视为与国家(政治)、市场(经济)分离的的一个社会领域,国际关系学者们则把视线转向国际层面的公民社会概念,如对全球公民社会和欧盟层面公民社会的探讨等。在欧盟官方文件和多层治理的实践中,公民社会概念的演变也经历了一个曲折的过程,分为不同的阶段,而这个过程则标识着公民社会的地位和作用的变化,也是欧盟机构与公民社会关系不断发展的进程。 第二章、欧盟多层次治理:公民社会组织参与的历史与制度背景。欧盟经历治理转型之后,形成了多元性、多层次性的网络型治理结构。参与欧盟多层治理的主体,范围甚广,其中不仅有欧盟官方机构,各成员国层面和次国家层面的政府和行政管理机构、政党、非政府组织、利益集团、媒体以及公共舆论,当然也包括了各成员国的公民。因而,这个独特的治理安排具有极大的开放性和包容性,为公民社会组织的参与提供了良好的机会结构,因而成为公民社会政治参与的制度背景。 欧盟机构已经认识到了建立一个更连贯一致的框架来改善与公民社会关系的重要性,以欧盟委员会为首的欧盟机构,采取了不同的方式把公民社会组织纳入政策制订过程,而欧盟政策过程为各类社会角色的参与提供了具体路径和可能性。 第三章、欧洲公民社会组织的发展历程与现状。在欧洲一体化进程开始之前,随着民族国家的发展程度不同,公民社会团体作为民族国家的一部分,带有明显的地域性的政治和文化的烙印,这即是公民社会组织沿袭至今的社会嵌入性的根源。 20世纪中期自欧洲一体化的发动机开启之后,欧洲层面的公民社会组织开始出现并随着一体化的进程而得到了不断发展,一体化初期在欧洲层面工人的组织和消费者保护组织成立;而90年代马斯特里赫特条约以来这个时期的共同体层面的各类组织数量呈现显著的增长态势,活动范围也在不断扩大;最近的10年欧洲公民社会组织的数量和规模都得到了长足的发展,其活跃的领域也大有扩展,公民社会组织也逐渐走向了制度化、职业化。 整体来看,欧洲公民社会组织的构成形态或结构基本上属于网络组织(network of networks)或伞形组织(umbrella organization, federation of federations),涉及到成千上万的社团组织,在各具有高度公众关注、政治显著性的政策和议题领域(社会政策、环境保护、健康和消费者权益)为公民提供了表达渠道,以集体的方式给社会中的弱者在政治体系中提供话语机会。这就说明公民社会组织已经在欧盟层面组织起来,维护弱势群体利益、实现公共利益,为公民提供了利益表达的一个平台和渠道。 第四章、欧洲公民社会组织的政治参与:驱动力、多元化渠道和方式。在客观条件和外界环境来看,欧盟各机构在一系列的政策文件或条约中指出了公民社会行为体对于欧盟政策制定过程的(潜在)贡献,采取不同方式方法把公民社会乃至公民个人纳入欧盟的政策过程,创造了很多咨询和对话机制,从制度和法律方面确保公民社会组织的参与。其中,比较积极和活跃的是欧盟委员会、欧洲议会和欧洲经济社会委员会。 在主观的认知和能力方面,纵向来看,公民社会组织的政治行为不仅要受成员逻辑(logic of membership)的影响,还受到影响的逻辑(logic of influence)指导。欧盟机构和欧盟政策过程塑造了欧盟治理语境下的公民社会话语,也影响到公民社会组织对自身作用和功能的认识和界定。同时,公民社会组织也具备了与民族国家内部各类政治权威和其他利益团体斗争抑或是合作的能力,在超国家机构、国家机构的互动中积累了相当的经验,民主参与能力得到锻炼和培养,而其自我管理、自我规制能力也得到锻炼和提高。 欧洲公民社会组织对欧盟治理的政治参与的方式和途径主要有:直接参与到和决策有关过程,如参加欧盟机构的咨询、对话、反馈等决策环节,反映自己的偏好和愿望;间接影响决策,如通过和欧盟机构和官员建立长期的经常性的联系、游说、举行抗议活动、大型运动等,对决策机构施加压力,提高公众意识和欧盟机构对某议题的重视;在传统的策略之外,还充分利用欧盟机构的电子政府功能积极参与到欧盟政治过程。 第五章、公民社会组织参与欧盟多层治理的价值评价。作为公民群体的制度化的利益表达途径之一,公民社会组织成为欧盟治理结构中的参与主体。公民社会组织的参与被欧盟机构和学者们视为是欧盟民主合法性缺乏症的解药,具有民主潜质。 公民社会组织是民主的学校,可以给公民们提供民主生活必要的训练、知识和经验,具有教育和社会化功能。公民社会组织在欧盟治理结构内部也承担了组织社会生活的功能,是阐明合法的国家或治理结构方法或手段,借由界定公共机构和民众的各自不同的活动范围,动员、鼓励并促成疏离的个人参与政治,既减轻了公共机构的负担,这无疑也会强化公民之间的团结。 在欧盟这个庞大的利益代表体系中,公民社会组织是重要的构成元素。这样,公民社会组织在跨国的欧盟层面代表着公民,并负责监督政治过程以使决策者对自己的行为负责。而在欧盟的参与式民主中,公民社会组织是最重要的角色。在欧盟治理框架内,代议制民主和参与式民主相辅相成,共同构成了欧盟民主生活。而公民社会组织就身处这样的民主环境中,具有了不同于其他社会和政治角色的身份和地位,成为欧盟治理合法性的来源。 欧洲公民社会组织的参与是欧盟民主生活的组成部分,但民族国家的安排仍然起着实质性的决定作用,国家及其代理人仍然掌握着欧盟机构的运行及决策过程,因而公民社会组织获得的是只是发言权而不是决定权。与拥有雄厚资源实力的经济利益集团和大公司比较起来,欧洲公民社会组织可以获得的机会和能够对欧盟政策施加的影响却又比较弱小和有限。 可以肯定的是,欧盟治理的实践起码为各类包括公民社会组织在内的社会角色提供了渠道或者机会结构,使得它们的意见和利益得以被欧盟官方机构所获悉,公民社会组织和普通公民都可以主动加入到欧盟的政策形成过程,而不再只是被动接受和回应政策对自己的影响,这样的实践会影响公民对欧盟的认知,对于进一步的欧洲认同的形成或有益处。
[Abstract]:In the context of EU ' s unique and complex pluralism , the European Union has grown into a strong institutional role , has gained stronger competitiveness , the decision - making of Brussels has become more and more important and changes the political ecology of the member countries and the daily life of ordinary people . In the context of the unique and complicated EU , the EU is one of the channels of citizen participation . In the framework of EU multi - layer governance , the civil society organization is one of the channels of citizen ' s participation in politics and politics .

On the basis of the study of EU governance and civil society in EU , this paper studies the process of EU governance from a new perspective , and extends Lincoln ' s definition of democracy - - the people and for the people - - and its connotation to EU governance .

Chapter one , the historical evolution of the theory and connotation of civil society . The concept of civil society has a long history tradition in Europe , and its long history can be traced back to the Roman era of ancient Greece . Its theoretical connotation is evolving with the development of human society and political system .

In the late middle of the Middle Ages , with the development of East and West trade , in the late Middle Ages , with the development of East and West trade , the city in modern sense began to rise in Europe .

In modern enlightenment thinkers such as Locke , Montesquieu and so on , civil society is the political society , which is opposite to the natural state . At this time , the state is the political society with the highest authority . In the modern civil society theory represented by Hegel and Marx , the civil society is separated from the political country . At this time , the civil society is mainly economic relations .

The contemporary thinkers regard civil society as a social sphere separated from the state ( politics ) and market ( economy ) . The international relations scholars turn the line of sight to the concept of civil society at the international level . In the practice of EU official documents and multi - layer governance , the evolution of the concept of civil society has also undergone a tortuous process , which is divided into different stages , and the process identifies the change of the status and function of civil society and the process of the continuous development of EU institutions and civil society .

Chapter 2 , EU multi - level governance : the historical and institutional background of citizen ' s social organization participation . After the European Union has undergone the transformation of governance , it has formed a multi - layered and multi - layered network governance structure . It has a wide range of participation in the EU multi - level governance , which includes not only the official institutions of the European Union , the national and subnational governments and administrative authorities , political parties , non - governmental organizations , interest groups , the media and public opinion , but also the citizens of the Member States . Thus , this unique governance arrangement has a great openness and inclusiveness , providing a good opportunity for the participation of civil society organizations , thus becoming a system context for civil society political participation .

EU institutions have recognized the importance of establishing a more coherent framework to improve relations with civil society , EU institutions headed by the European Commission , different ways of incorporating civil society organizations into policy formulation processes , and EU policy processes providing concrete paths and possibilities for the participation of various social actors .

Chapter three , the development course and present situation of the European civil society organizations . Before the European integration process began , with the development of the nation , civil society groups , as part of the nation ' s country , have obvious regional politics and culture , which is the root cause of the social embeddability of civil society organizations .

Since the start of the European integration in the mid - 20th century , civil society organizations at the European level have begun to emerge and have been continuously developing along with the process of integration , with the organization of workers in Europe and the establishment of consumer protection organizations at the beginning of integration ;
In the 1990s , the number of organizations at the community level in this period has increased significantly since the 1990s , and the scope of activity has also been expanding ;
In recent ten years , the number and scale of European civil society organizations have been fully developed , and their active areas have also been expanded , and civil society organizations have gradually become institutionalized and professionalized .

As a whole , the form or structure of European civil society organizations basically belongs to the network of networks or umbrella organization , which involves thousands of community organizations , and provides expression channels for citizens in the fields of high public concern and political significance ( social policy , environmental protection , health and consumer rights ) . This explains that civil society organizations have organized in the EU level , safeguarded the interests of vulnerable groups , realized public interests , and provided a platform and channel for citizens to express their interests .

Chapter four , the political participation of European civil society organizations : driving force , diversified channels and ways . In the objective conditions and external environment , EU institutions have pointed out the potential contribution of civil society actors to EU policy - making process , and have created a lot of consultation and dialogue mechanisms to ensure the participation of civil society organizations from the aspects of system and law . Among them , the more active and active are the European Commission , the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Commission for Europe .

In the aspect of subjective cognition and ability , the political behavior of civil society organizations is not only influenced by logic of society , but also influenced by logic of influence .

The ways and means of political participation of European civil society organizations in EU governance are directly involved in decision - making related to decision - making , such as participation in decision - making links such as consultation , dialogue and feedback of EU institutions , reflecting their preferences and aspirations ; indirectly influencing decision - making , such as establishing long - term regular contacts with EU institutions and officials , lobbying , holding protests , large movements , etc . , exerting pressure on decision - making bodies , raising public awareness and the importance attached by EU institutions to a topic ;
In addition to the traditional strategy , the EU ' s electronic government function is fully utilized to participate in the EU ' s political process .

In chapter 5 , civil society organizations are involved in the value evaluation of EU multi - layer governance . As one of the ways to institutionalize citizen groups , civil society organizations become involved in the EU governance structure . The participation of civil society organizations is regarded by EU institutions and scholars as the antidote to the lack of democratic legitimacy of the European Union .

Civil society organizations are democratic schools , which can provide citizens with the necessary training , knowledge and experience for democratic life , and have the functions of education and socialization . Civil society organizations also have the function of organizing social life within the governance structure of the European Union .

Civil society organizations are important constituent elements in the EU ' s large representation system . Thus , civil society organizations represent citizens at the cross - border EU level and are responsible for supervising the political process so as to make decision makers accountable for their actions . In the European Union ' s participatory democracy , civil society organizations are the most important roles . In the democratic environment of EU , the civil society organizations have the status and status different from other social and political actors and become the source of EU governance legitimacy .

The participation of European civil society organizations is an integral part of the democratic life of the European Union , but the arrangement of the nation states still plays a substantive role . The state and its agents are still holding the operation and decision - making process of the European Union institutions , so the civil society organizations have only the voice but not the decision - making process . Compared with the economic interest group and the big company with strong resource strength , the European civil society organizations can acquire the opportunity and the influence on the EU policy , but are comparatively weak and limited .

It is certain that the practice of EU governance at least provides a channel or opportunity structure for various social actors , including civil society organizations , so that their views and interests can be learned by the official bodies of the European Union , and that civil society organizations and ordinary citizens can actively participate in the European Union ' s policy - forming process , rather than simply passively accept and respond to the impact of policies on their own . Such practices may affect citizens ' perception of the European Union and have the benefit of further European identity .


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1 冉源懋;从隐性生存走向软性治理[D];西南大学;2013年




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