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发布时间:2018-05-23 18:49

  本文选题:后民族主义 + 欧洲一体化 ; 参考:《山东大学》2008年博士论文

【摘要】: 在西方学术界,民族主义议题是一个长盛不衰的研究领域,欧洲近代民族主义吸引了来自政治学、社会学、民族学、人类学和历史学等领域研究者的广泛关注。本文对当代西方民族主义的研究限定在西欧国家,更确切地说包括了法国、德国、意大利、比利时、西班牙和英国等。 长期以来,学术界更多地从历史、经济、政治和文化等视角分析欧洲一体化现象,而本文则从民族主义及其演变视角审视欧洲从分散走向联合的过程,剖析作为民族国家共同体的欧盟的权力、属性与组织功能对民族主义嬗变所产生的影响,描述作为新型超国家政治实体的欧盟所属成员国的民族主义当前境况。也就是说,本文的重点是考察一体化背景下的西欧民族主义,以欧洲一体化作为一个自变量,较为深入地描述与阐释西欧民族主义所因而发生的变化。 现有的民族主义问题研究更多地倾向于概念设定和理论推演方面的分析,而本文力图将既有文献整理概括基础上的理论模式构建与西欧民族主义的实际发展动向结合起来,从而尽可能深化对当代西方民族主义的学术研究。为此,本文在明确地将西欧主要国家的民族主义现状作为研究对象的同时,尝试性地概括与提出了“后民族国家”和“后民族主义"的核心性概念,并依此来统领全文的理论分析。 本文选择了一个跨学科的分析视角,力图把政治学与民族学、历史学、国际关系学、语言文化学等的相关内容与方法结合起来探讨当代西欧的民族主义。基于这一学科视角,本文主要运用了宏观与微观分析相结合、归纳综合与比较分析相结合等研究方法,以期形成对当代西欧民族主义发展境况的较为完整的描述。 此外,本文在具体论证上也有着自己的特点:它突破了传统民族主义研究集中于民族国家及其物质利益的局限,凸显了一种超国家向度的重要性。它试图将族群(区域)民族主义与国家民族主义、政治诉求与文化价值结合起来,分析当代西欧民族主义的准确内涵尤其是民族认同。显然,在欧洲一体化不断推进的背景下,将上述两个方面结合起来对于理解当代西欧国家的民族主义已经变得至关重要。 就欧洲一体化与西欧民族主义演变之间的关系而言,本文选择的思路是将一体化作为自变量来考察民族主义这个因变量。尽管对民族主义演进如何反作用于欧洲一体化的分析也许同样重要,但它不是笔者在此关注和论证的重点。 本文的整体构思和逻辑思路如下: 鉴于现代民族与民族国家之间存在着的密切联系,一个合乎逻辑的假设是,如果民族国家的职能与形态发生改变的话,那么民族主义的内涵与形式也必然会发生相应的变化;而由于20世纪50年代初以来的欧洲一体化进程正在剧烈地弱化着作为其成员国的西欧民族国家的众多经济、社会甚至政治管理职能,所以,我们可以假定,当代西欧国家民族主义的内容及其表现形式理应发生一些质的变化,即笔者在本文中提出与论证的“后民族主义”。 因而,本文将致力于回答以下三个方面的问题:一是证实当代西欧民族主义演变与欧洲一体化背景的事实性关联,也就是说,准确描述当代西欧国家民族主义在一个一体化时代所发生的巨大变化;二是欧洲一体化进程的确是这种变化的主要或重要影响因素,以及欧洲一体化如何导致了这些变化;三是如何从理论上阐释欧洲一体化这一客观历史进程与形成中的“后民族国家”和“后民族主义”之间的关系,从而对西欧民族主义的时代特征做出合理的说明。 相应地,本文分为五个组成部分,以及导言和结语。 导论阐明了本文研究的主题即欧洲一体化背景下的当代西欧民族主义,具体分析了这一议题的国内外研究现状、本文所采用的研究方法,论文的整体思路与结构安排等。 第一章阐释了本文的研究对象以及相关的核心概念,从民族与国家等基本概念的界定入手逐步扩展到欧洲一体化背景下的后民族主义概念,并把这一概念作为对欧洲一体化背景下当代西欧民族主义新动向的理论概括。它的基本含义是,西欧国家在欧洲一体化的背景下正在进入一个“后民族国家时代”,民族国家内部的准(类)民族群体往往通过温和的方式手段和务实的态度来实现其地方性利益要求,民族国家间国际关系上往往体现为更加理性与调和的民族主义政治诉求,而在超国家层面上更多表现出多重文化认同的特征。 第二章描述了西欧主要国家当代民族主义的具体类型以及在欧洲一体化背景下所表现出的弱化趋势。通过对“边缘民族对主体民族的政治诉求”、“西欧民族国家主体民族之间的关系”、“同一民族国家内部的民族主义表现”、“主体民族针对边缘民族的民族主义”和“极端民族分裂主义”等方面的分析,证实了当代西欧民族主义确实经历着一种从传统民族主义向“后民族主义”的演变。 第三章分析了欧洲一体化进程如何改变了民族与国家之间的关系,或者说如何促成了后民族主义的出现与发展。概括地说,欧洲联盟机构框架导致的民族国家权力上移和下移、超国家机构本身的制度框架及其政策,都对后民族主义的形成与发展产生着重要影响。尤其是,不断扩展着的欧洲一体化制约和改变了传统民族主义的政治目标、诉求方式、文化认同并使其具备了后民族主义的形态和特征。 欧盟的超国家制度架构与欧元作为后民族主义的两大载体,分别从政治和经济上为其提供了强有力的依托。伴随着向上和向下的权力移交,民族国家不再是民族主义者政治诉求的唯一对象。而与之对应的文化层面的表现就是突破了原有的单一的民族认同。在多重管治下的欧洲,多重认同已是无处不在。不仅如此,认同不再是原来传统意义上的单一民族认同,而是具有分散性的特点,表现出明显的多层性:超国家、亚国家、区域认同。 第四章首先在理论上进一步阐述了后民族主义,特别是结合现实来分析后民族主义概念的可行性以及后民族主义为什么会首先在西欧地区出现,然后对欧盟背景下的民族主义发展趋势做出大致判断。 西欧国家之所以进入一种后民族国家时代,从根本上说是由于这些民族国家在一体化背景下面临着巨大的压力和挑战,民族国家的身份因而发生了前所未有的改变。这种压力既包括国内地方要求自治的压力,也包括来自国家之上的超国家治理的压力,而民族国家被夹在其中。而伴随着这个后民族国家时代的到来,一种后民族主义也就应运而生了。后民族主义之所以称之为后,是因为它与传统民族主义四个方向的悖离和两个方面的超越。从动态的角度看,随着民族国家职能与权限的进一步弱化,西欧民族主义目前呈现的发展趋势将会持续:民族国家内部的民族主义将会继续弱化,而欧洲层面上的区域民族主义或欧洲认同(借助欧盟)则将逐步得到强化。 结语在总结全文基本内容及其主要观点的同时,进一步探讨了欧洲一体化实践对西欧民族主义未来发展可能带来的其他方面影响,比如次民族国家层面上的类(准)民族主义意识和认同对于西欧民族主义未来发展的意义,以及本论文需要深入探讨的一些问题,比如民族主义对欧洲一体化的主动回应及其可能影响等。 本文的理论创新意义主要表现在: 首先,它提出了“后民族主义”这一对当代西欧民族主义境况的理论设定与概括,不仅提供了一个分析当代西欧民族主义发展现状的新颖视角,而且有利于从一种新的思路反思传统的民族主义议题研究。同时,虽然国内外学界对民族主义的研究甚多,但基于欧洲区域一体化与欧洲联盟的对当代西欧民族主义的理论分析相对较少,因而本文在一定程度上弥补了这一缺陷。 其次,它初步分析了欧洲一体化进程如何促成了后民族主义的形成,以前者为自变量较为详实地考察了后者的相应性变化。通过对变化中的当代民族国家的描述,提供了一种从理论上重新解读民族主义及其历史演变的理论视野。 再次,它初步阐明了文化(价值)认同对于当代民族主义的内涵界定、尤其是对于后民族主义的重要性,这对于准确理解欧洲一体化背景下所发生的传统民族主义消解和欧洲认同形成过程有一定启发价值。
[Abstract]:In western academic circles, nationalism is a flourishing field of research. Modern European nationalism attracts extensive attention from researchers in the fields of politics, sociology, ethnology, anthropology and history. This article is limited to western countries in western countries, and more specifically, France, Germany. Italy, Belgium, Spain and Britain.
For a long time, the academic circles have analyzed the phenomenon of European integration more from the perspectives of history, economy, politics and culture. This article examines the process of European integration from the perspective of nationalism and its evolution, and analyzes the shadow of the power of the European Union as a national community of nations and the effect of its nature and organization on the transmutation of nationalism. It describes the current situation of the nationalism of the member states of the European Union as a new type of supranational political entity. That is to say, the focus of this article is to examine the nationalism of Western Europe under the background of integration, and to describe and explain the changes in Western European nationalism in a more profound way by taking European integration as a independent variable.
The present study of nationalism is more inclined to the analysis of concept setting and theoretical deduction, and this paper will combine theoretical model construction with the actual development trend of Western European nationalism on the basis of literature collation, so as to deepen the academic research on contemporary western nationalism as much as possible. At the same time, it tries to generalize and put forward the core concept of "post nationalism" and "post nationalism", and then leads the full text of the theoretical analysis.
This paper chooses a cross disciplinary perspective to combine politics with ethnology, history, international relations, language and culture to explore the nationalism of Contemporary Western Europe. Based on this subject, this article mainly uses the combination of macro and micro analysis to sum up the comprehensive and comparative analysis. Combined with other research methods, we hope to form a complete description of the development of Contemporary Western European nationalism.
In addition, this paper also has its own characteristics: it breaks through the limitations of the traditional nationalism and its material interests, and highlights the importance of a kind of super state. It tries to combine ethnic (regional) nationalism with national nationalism, political appeal and cultural value and analyze the contemporary west. The exact connotation of the European nationalism is especially the national identity. Obviously, in the context of the continuous advancement of European integration, it is very important to combine the two aspects to understand the nationalism of the contemporary Western European countries.
As far as the relationship between European integration and the evolution of Western European nationalism is concerned, the idea of this article is to examine the factor of nationalism as an independent variable. Although the analysis of the evolution of nationalism may be as important as the analysis of the European integration, it is not the focus of the author's attention and argument.
The whole conception and logical idea of this article are as follows:
In view of the close ties between the modern nation and the nation state, a logical assumption is that if the functions and forms of the nation are changed, then the connotation and form of nationalism will inevitably change, and the process of European integration is being weakened sharply since the beginning of the 1950s. As many economic, social and even political management functions of Western European nations as a member state, we can assume that the contents and forms of nationalism in Contemporary Western European countries should have some qualitative changes, that is, "post nationalism", which is put forward and demonstrated in this article.
Therefore, this article will be devoted to answering the following three aspects: first, to confirm the factual correlation between the evolution of Contemporary Western European nationalism and the background of European integration, that is to say, to accurately describe the great changes in the nationalism of Contemporary Western European countries in an era of integration; and the two is that the process of European integration is indeed this kind of change. The main or important factors and how European integration has led to these changes; three how to explain the relationship between the objective historical process of European integration and the "post nationalism" and "post nationalism" in the formation of European integration, so as to make a reasonable explanation of the characteristics of the times of Western European Nationalism.
Accordingly, this article is divided into five parts, as well as introduction and conclusion.
The introduction clarifies the theme of this study, namely, the contemporary Western European nationalism under the background of European integration, and analyzes the status of the research at home and abroad, the research methods adopted in this article, the overall thinking and structure arrangement of the thesis.
The first chapter explains the object of the study and the relevant core concepts. From the definition of the basic concepts of nation and state, the concept of post nationalism is gradually extended to the background of European integration, and the concept is summarized as a theoretical generalization of the new trend of Contemporary Western European nationalism under the background of European integration. Its basic meaning is the basic meaning. The Western European countries are entering a "post national state" under the background of European integration, and the quasi ethnic groups in the national state often realize their local interests through moderate means and pragmatic attitudes, and the international relations among nations are often embodied as more rational and harmonious nationalism. Political appeals, and at the supranational level, show more characteristics of multiple cultural identity.
The second chapter describes the specific types of Contemporary Nationalism in the major countries of Western Europe and the weakening trend in the context of European integration, and the "relationship between the main ethnic groups in Western European nations" through the "political appeals of the marginalized people to the main people", "the nationalist expression in the same national state", "the master of nationalism in the same national state". The analysis of the nationalism of the ethnic groups and the separatism of the extreme ethnic groups by the people of the body of the body confirms that the contemporary Western European nationalism has experienced a kind of evolution from the traditional nationalism to the "post nationalism".
The third chapter analyzes how the process of European integration has changed the relationship between the nation and the state, or how to promote the emergence and development of the post nationalism. In general, the power of the national state has moved up and down, and the institutional framework of the supra national institution and its policies are all of the form of the post nationalism. It has an important impact on the development and development. In particular, the continuous expansion of European integration restricts and changes the political objectives of the traditional nationalism, the way of appeal, cultural identity and the form and characteristics of the post nationalism.
The European Union's super national system structure and the euro as the two carrier of the post nationalism, respectively, provide a strong support from the political and economic. With the transfer of power upward and downward, the national state is no longer the only object of the nationalist political appeal. There are a single ethnic identity. In the multi tube Europe, multiple identities are ubiquitous. Not only that, the identity is no longer a single national identity in the original traditional sense, but is characterized by its dispersivity, showing a distinct multilevel character: supra, substate, and regional identity.
The fourth chapter first expounds the post nationalism in theory, especially the feasibility of analyzing the concept of post nationalism and why the post nationalism appears in Western Europe first, and then makes a general judgment on the trend of nationalism in the context of the European Union.
The reason why Western European countries have entered a post national state is fundamentally due to the enormous pressure and challenge faced by these ethnic countries in the context of integration, and the identity of the national state has undergone unprecedented changes. This pressure not only includes the pressure of domestic and local autonomy, but also the excess from the state. The national state is under the pressure of national governance, and with the arrival of the era of the post nation-state, a kind of post nationalism comes into being. The reason why the post nationalism is called it is because it deviates from the four directions of traditional nationalism and transcends the two sides. From a dynamic point of view, with the nation state, The further weakening of the family function and authority, the current trend of Western European nationalism will continue: Nationalism in the national state will continue to weaken, and the regional nationalism or European identity (the European Union) on the European level will be gradually strengthened.
The conclusion, while summarizing the basic contents and main points of the full text, further explores the possible influence of European Integration Practice on the future development of Western European nationalism, such as the significance of the consciousness and identity of the subnational nationalism on the future development of Western European nationalism, as well as the need for this paper. Some questions to be further explored, such as the active response of nationalism to European integration and its possible impact.
The significance of the theoretical innovation in this paper is as follows:
First, it puts forward the theory of "post nationalism", a theoretical setting and summary of the situation of nationalism in Contemporary Western Europe, not only provides a new perspective to analyze the present situation of the development of nationalism in Contemporary Western Europe, but also helps to reflect on the research of traditional nationalism from a new way of thinking. There is a lot of research on righteousness, but the theoretical analysis of the contemporary Western European nationalism based on the European regional integration and the European Union is relatively less, so this paper makes up for this defect to a certain extent.
Secondly, it preliminarily analyzes how the process of European integration has contributed to the formation of the post nationalism. The former studied the corresponding changes in the latter in a more detailed way for the independent variable. Through the description of the changing contemporary nation-state, a theoretical field of theoretical reinterpretation of the people's nationalism and its historical evolution was provided.
Thirdly, it clarifies the definition of cultural (value) identity to the connotation of contemporary nationalism, especially the importance of the post nationalism, which is of certain enlightenment for the accurate understanding of the traditional nationalism and the formation of European identity in the context of European integration.


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1 赵胜军;民族主义和欧洲一体化关系的过程性考察[D];西北师范大学;2011年




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