发布时间:2018-05-25 13:53
本文选题:查韦斯现象 + 21世纪社会主义 ; 参考:《中国社会科学院研究生院》2010年博士论文
【摘要】: 查韦斯是当今时代最具代表性的拉美左派领导人之一。1998年以来,他连续3次当选总统。时至2010年,这位左派民族主义者已经连续担任委内瑞拉总统十年之久。在此期间,查韦斯推动委内瑞拉实现对新自由主义模式的突破,并谋求建设“21世纪社会主义”。他在政治领域主张构建参与式民主,使之取代代议制民主;在经济领域强调国家对经济生活的干预,把国有化视为冲破发展障碍的重要战略;在社会领域实施一系列社会项目,维护社会公正;在国际关系领域呼吁改变现行的不合理国际政治经济秩序,提出和实施一系列具有鲜明“替代”色彩的政策主张。查韦斯的内政外交政策在国内外产生广泛影响,成为拉美国家以变革应对全球化挑战的突出范例,被视为拉美发展进程中的“查韦斯现象”。 “查韦斯现象”是委内瑞拉的政治、经济和社会状况经历长期演变的产物。本文在研究这一现象的过程中,尝试对查韦斯的政治理念和执政实践进行全面地整理和分析,综合吸收一系列有关查韦斯的中外研究成果,紧密跟踪委内瑞拉政治、经济和社会状况的动态,借鉴和运用民主巩固理论、宪政理论、反全球化理论和新自由主义理论,在此基础上对“查韦斯现象”进行全面透视,分析查韦斯政治理念的发展脉络,总结他为促进国家的经济-社会发展模式转变而采取的重大措施,评估其执政绩效及其未来面临的重大挑战。 本文共有六章。第一章阐明“查韦斯现象”的内涵、这一现象产生的历史背景以及查韦斯在委内瑞拉的执政历程。“查韦斯现象”产生的政治背景包括:精英政治色彩浓厚,两大传统政党专权;政府的治理能力存在严重欠缺;高度的政治排斥。经济背景包括:20世纪80年代和90年代实施的新自由主义改革未能使委内瑞拉的国民经济在整体上得到重振,反而导致中下阶层的生活水平直线下降;新自由主义改革缺乏国民共识,是一种迫于内部困境和外部压力而做出的被动选择。社会背景包括:社会状况在80年代和90年代趋于恶化,经济衰退和经济改革造成的损失通过各种渠道转嫁给中下层民众。国际背景包括:美国及其控制的国际货币基金组织迫使委内瑞拉实行新自由主义改革,使委内瑞拉民族主义者担忧本国的经济主权受到损害。 第二章分析查韦斯的执政理念及其发展。查韦斯的执政理念是理解和分析“查韦斯现象”的主线。查韦斯始终是新自由主义发展模式的激烈批评者,主张对委内瑞拉既有的政治-经济发展模式实现根本变革,推动国家走上一条符合自身国情的发展道路。他在执政之初尝试走“第三条道路”,为此掀起一场“玻利瓦尔革命”。伴随政治立场的逐步激进化,他把探索的目光转向社会主义,以“21世纪社会主义”作为革命的指导理论,从寻找新自由主义的替代模式走向寻找资本主义的替代模式。 第三章分析查韦斯执政时期的政治变革。查韦斯政府谋求把代议制民主转变为参与式民主,保障民众对公共事务的充分参与,构建一种对政治精英具有约束力的政治体制,以便使民主巩固走向深化。为实现改造国家的构想,查韦斯政府还大力强化联邦政府的权力,谋求建设一个强有力的国家机器。在这一过程中,委内瑞拉统一社会主义党(PSUV)宣告成立。查韦斯希望使之成为推动玻利瓦尔革命、建设“21世纪社会主义”的重要保证。 第四章分析查韦斯执政时期的经济发展模式转变和社会公正构建。查韦斯认为,经济发展模式的转变需要大力强化国家对经济的干预能力,而强化国家对经济干预的主要途径是国有化。查韦斯政府在执政以来大力推行国有化。委内瑞拉的这一轮国有化进程始于石油业,然后向电讯业、电力业、水泥业、钢铁业、银行业等战略部门扩散,并波及非战略部门的食品业,从而使国家对经济的干预能力得到强化。 查韦斯希望委内瑞拉实现“内生发展”(endogenous development)。“内生发展”意味着委内瑞拉依靠自身条件发展经济,把自然资源转化为可用于消费或出口的产品,促进社会化服务和本地化生产。查韦斯政府为实现“内生发展”采取一系列政策措施,其中包括大力发展合作社和维护本国的粮食主权。 查韦斯政府致力于改善社会发展状况,在2003年以来大力实施30多个名为“使命”(misión)的社会计划。石油收入被用于向民众提供医疗服务、得到价格补贴的食品和教育培训,以便满足委内瑞拉人的基本需求、促进社会发展和更为公正地分配资源。 第五章分析查韦斯的国际战略和外交政策。在查韦斯执政的10余年期间,委内瑞拉推行具有鲜明第三世界立场的国际战略,把“南南合作”视为发展中国家实现经济独立和发展、改革现行国际政治经济秩序的关键途径。委内瑞拉以地区外交为核心,大力推动拉美国家、尤其是南美洲国家的团结合作和一体化,一方面谋求加入南共市,一方面推动美洲玻利瓦尔联盟的发展;在此基础上深化和扩大南南合作,提出一系列合作构想,加强与新兴发展中大国的关系;以能源外交拓展国际合作空间,保障石油收益的稳定;参与变革国际政治经济秩序,提出一系列有关国际金融体制改革的构想;寻求制约美国的影响力,推动世界走向多极化。 第六章是对“查韦斯现象”的思考。“查韦斯现象”的核心是委内瑞拉对新发展模式的探索。经过查韦斯的长期执政,委内瑞拉完成对新自由主义模式的替代,形成具有自身特点的“玻利瓦尔发展模式”。查韦斯的执政还推动委内瑞拉重塑政治体制,促进民主巩固进程的深化,实现社会发展状况的改善。在可预见的未来,委内瑞拉的社会主义建设将面对来自外部和内部的两大挑战。外部挑战是:如何保障建设社会主义进程的稳定和延续?内部挑战是:查韦斯及其支持者是否能够通过体制内道路建设“21世纪社会主义”?通过对“查韦斯现象”的研究,本文得出以下两点启示:启示之一:维护社会公正是实现民主巩固的关键因素。启示之二:社会主义是全球化时代各国变革发展道路的重要选择。
[Abstract]:Chavez, one of the most representative Latin American leaders in today's era, has been elected 3 consecutive presidents since.1998. In 2010, the leftist nationalist has been the president of Venezuela for ten years. During this period, Chavez pushed Venezuela to achieve a breakthrough in the Neo liberalism model and sought to build "2". In the field of socialism in the first Century, he advocated the construction of participatory democracy in the political field to replace the representative democracy; emphasized the state's intervention in economic life in the economic field, regarded nationalization as an important strategy to break through the obstacles to development; implemented a series of social projects in the social field, maintained social justice, and called for change in the field of international relations. The unreasonable international political and economic order, put forward and implement a series of policy ideas with distinct "alternative" colors. Chavez's internal and foreign policy has a wide influence at home and abroad, and has become a prominent example of the Latin American countries to cope with the challenges of globalization, and is regarded as the "Chavez phenomenon" in the process of the Latin American hair exhibition.
The "Chavez phenomenon" is the product of the long-term evolution of Venezuela's political, economic and social conditions. In the process of studying this phenomenon, this article tries to comprehensively organize and analyze Chavez's political ideas and practice, comprehensively absorb a series of research achievements on Chavez, and closely follow the politics of Venezuela. On the basis of the dynamics of governance, economic and social conditions, drawing on and using the theory of democratic consolidation, constitutional theory, anti globalization theory and Neo liberalism theory, the "Chavez phenomenon" is carried out in a comprehensive perspective, the development of Chavez's political ideas is analyzed, and the emphasis he has taken to promote the transition of the economic social development model to the country is taken as a summary. Major measures to assess its governance performance and major challenges ahead.
The first chapter has six chapters. The first chapter clarifies the connotation of "Chavez phenomenon", the historical background of this phenomenon and the ruling course of Chavez in Venezuela. The political background of "Chavez phenomenon" includes: the strong political color of the elite, the exclusive power of the two traditional political parties, the serious lack of governance in the government, and the high politics. The economic background includes: the new liberalism reform, which was implemented in 1980s and 90s, failed to reinvigorate Venezuela's national economy on the whole, but led to a straight decline in the living standard of the middle and lower strata; the new liberalism reform lacks the national consensus, and is a passive choice made by internal difficulties and external pressures. Social background includes the deterioration of social conditions in 80s and 90s, and the losses caused by economic recession and economic reform are transferred to the middle and lower people through various channels. The international background includes: the United States and its controlled International Monetary Fund have forced Venezuela to carry out a new self nationalist reform to make Venezuelan nationalists. Worry about the country's economic sovereignty is undermined.
The second chapter analyzes Chavez's ruling idea and its development. Chavez's ruling idea is the main line of understanding and analyzing the "Chavez phenomenon". Chavez is always a fierce critic of the new liberalism development model, and advocates the reform of the political and economic development model of Venezuela, and promotes the country to follow its own way. The development road of national conditions, he tried to take "third roads" at the beginning of the ruling, and set off a "Bolivar revolution". With the gradual evolution of political position, he turned his exploration to socialism and took "socialism of twenty-first Century" as the guiding theory of the revolution and looked for the alternative mode of finding new liberalism to look for. The alternative model of capitalism.
The third chapter analyzes the political change during the period of Chavez's ruling. The Chavez administration seeks to transform the representative democracy into a participatory democracy, to ensure the full participation of the public in public affairs and to build a political system binding on the political elite so as to make the consolidation of democracy deeper. The Chavez administration is the idea of realizing the reform of the country. We also strengthened the power of the federal government and sought to build a powerful national machine. In this process, the Venezuelan unified socialist party (PSUV) was declared to be established. Chavez hoped to make it an important guarantee for the Bolivar revolution and the construction of "socialism in the twenty-first Century".
The fourth chapter analyzes the transformation of economic development pattern and the construction of social justice during the period of Chavez's ruling. Chavez believes that the transformation of the economic development mode needs to strengthen the state's ability to intervene in the economy, and the main way to strengthen the state's economic intervention is nationalization. The government of Chavez has vigorously carried out nationalization since the administration. This process of nationalization began in the oil industry, then spread to the telecommunications, power, cement, steel, banking, and other strategic sectors of the food industry, which strengthened the state's ability to intervene in the economy.
Chavez wants Venezuela to achieve "endogenous development" (endogenous development). "Endogenous development" means Venezuela relies on its own conditions to develop the economy, transform natural resources into products that can be used for consumption or export, promote social services and localize production. The Chavez administration takes a line for the realization of "endogenous development". List policies and measures, including vigorously developing cooperatives and safeguarding their food sovereignty.
The Chavez administration is committed to improving social development and has vigorously implemented more than 30 social programs called "Misi n" since 2003. Oil revenues are used to provide medical services to the people, to receive food and education training in price subsidies to meet the basic needs of Venezuelan people, to promote social development and to be more impartial. Allocate resources.
The fifth chapter analyzes Chavez's international strategy and foreign policy. During the more than 10 years of Chavez's administration, Venezuela carried out an international strategy with a distinct third world position, which considered "South South cooperation" as a key way for developing countries to achieve economic independence and development and to reform the current international political and economic order. At the core of diplomacy, we will vigorously promote the unity, cooperation and integration of the Latin American countries, especially the South American countries. On the one hand, they seek to join the southern Communist market, on the one hand, promote the development of the American Bolivar alliance, and on this basis, deepen and expand South South cooperation, put forward a series of cooperation ideas, strengthen the relationship with the emerging developing countries, and take energy diplomacy. Expanding international cooperation space, ensuring the stability of oil revenue, participating in the reform of the international political and economic order, putting forward a series of ideas about the reform of the international financial system, seeking to restrict the influence of the United States and promoting the multi polarization of the world.
The sixth chapter is the thinking of "Chavez phenomenon". The core of "Chavez phenomenon" is Venezuela's exploration of the new development model. After Chavez's long-term administration, Venezuela completed the replacement of the new liberalism model and formed a "Bolivar development model" with its own characteristics. Chavez's ruling also promoted Venezuela. In the foreseeable future, the socialist construction of Venezuela will face two challenges from both outside and inside. In the foreseeable future, the socialist construction of Venezuela will face the two challenges from both outside and inside. The external challenge is: how to guarantee the stability and continuity of the socialist process of building the socialist process? The internal challenge is: Chavez and his supporters Can we build "the twenty-first Century socialism" through the system of the system? Through the study of the "Chavez phenomenon", this paper draws the following two enlightenments: one of the Enlightenment: the maintenance of social justice is the key factor for the realization of the consolidation of democracy. Two: socialism is an important choice for the change and development of the countries in the time of globalization.
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