本文选题:水资源安全 + 水环境治理 ; 参考:《国际安全研究》2015年03期
[Abstract]:In recent years, South Asian countries have made a series of progress around water environment management, not only strengthening bilateral cooperation, but also laying a solid foundation for further cooperation in developing water resources in South Asia. However, due to the difference of development stage and economic strength of different countries, there are some problems in water environment management, such as the short term direction is not clear, and the power is not enough. In addition, the competition for water resources in South Asia has seriously hurt the feelings between countries and become the catalyst of the current tension in the South Asian region. However, the international community participates in the development of water environment in South Asia, and the game of great powers intensifies the regional contradiction. At present, South Asian countries in the water environment cooperation on the road can be described as twists and turns. The special "historical memory" in South Asia leads to the difficulty of mutual identification of the concept of symbiosis of destiny, and the lack of "strategic mutual trust" restricts the expansion of friendly relations at the national level. Guided by the concept of "Community of Destiny", and then actively promoting the cooperation on water environment management in South Asia through the action of "empathy", it is not only helpful to foster feelings among countries, It is also helpful to promote the construction of comprehensive mechanism of water environment management and even to realize the development of regional integration. At the same time, relevant parties in Asia should also seize the opportunity of the transformation of social and economic integration in South Asia and take the participation in water environmental governance as an opportunity to further promote the development of economic governance in South Asia towards a more rational multilateral cooperation situation through the practice of "empathy". Forming the interdependence between each other under the new situation, and finally promoting the integration and development of South Asia and regional prosperity.
【作者单位】: 上海社会科学院国际关系研究所;
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