发布时间:2018-08-10 19:07
【摘要】: 本文通过对布哈林主要在1921——1929年间的社会主义实 践和社会主义理论的述评,论证了布哈林对落后国家建设社会主 义理论作出了重大历史贡献这一中心主题。同时通过分析布哈林 研究社会主义理论的方法,揭示了探索社会主义建设规律所应遵 循的一般原则。 全文分三部分。 第一部分:评述布哈林的社会主义实践和布哈林社会主义实 践时期俄国的国情状况,认为俄国社会在客观上是一个落后国 家,布哈林主观上认识到了俄国是一个落后国家并自觉地从俄国 落后的国情出发来探索俄国建设社会主义规律,这种主观与客观 的统一,使布哈林的社会主义实践成了一个自觉探求落后国家建 设社会主义规律的行为过程。 第二部分:介绍布哈林在1921——1929年间的社会主义理 论的主要内容,联系马克思、恩格斯、列宁、斯大林关于社会主 义和建设社会主义的基本思想,,指出了布哈林建设社会主义理论 对落后国家建设社会主义理论所作出的重要贡献。 第三部分:分析布哈林探索建设社会主义规律的基本方法, 指出了在探索建设社会主义规律方法上所应遵循的两个基本原 则。
[Abstract]:This paper reviews Bukharin's socialist practice and theory from 1921 to 1929. This paper demonstrates the central theme that Bukharin has made a great historical contribution to the theory of the main meaning of the construction of society in backward countries. At the same time, through the analysis of Bukharin research methods of socialist theory, It reveals the general principles that should be followed in exploring the law of socialist construction. The full text is divided into three parts. The first part reviews the socialist practice of Bukharin and the situation of Russia during the practice of Bukharin socialism. Thinking that Russian society is objectively a backward country, Bukharin has realized subjectively that Russia is a backward country and has consciously explored the law of Russia's socialist construction from the point of view of Russia's backward national conditions. This unity of subjectivity and objectivity, The socialist practice of Bukharin has become a process of consciously exploring the establishment of socialist laws in backward countries. The second part: introduce the main contents of Bukharin's theory of socialist theory from 1921 to 1929, contact Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin's basic ideas about social justice and building socialism, This paper points out the important contribution of Bukharin theory to the theory of socialist construction in backward countries. The third part: analyze the basic method of Bukharin to explore the law of building socialism, and point out two bases that should be followed in the method of exploring the law of building socialism. The original principle.
[Abstract]:This paper reviews Bukharin's socialist practice and theory from 1921 to 1929. This paper demonstrates the central theme that Bukharin has made a great historical contribution to the theory of the main meaning of the construction of society in backward countries. At the same time, through the analysis of Bukharin research methods of socialist theory, It reveals the general principles that should be followed in exploring the law of socialist construction. The full text is divided into three parts. The first part reviews the socialist practice of Bukharin and the situation of Russia during the practice of Bukharin socialism. Thinking that Russian society is objectively a backward country, Bukharin has realized subjectively that Russia is a backward country and has consciously explored the law of Russia's socialist construction from the point of view of Russia's backward national conditions. This unity of subjectivity and objectivity, The socialist practice of Bukharin has become a process of consciously exploring the establishment of socialist laws in backward countries. The second part: introduce the main contents of Bukharin's theory of socialist theory from 1921 to 1929, contact Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin's basic ideas about social justice and building socialism, This paper points out the important contribution of Bukharin theory to the theory of socialist construction in backward countries. The third part: analyze the basic method of Bukharin to explore the law of building socialism, and point out two bases that should be followed in the method of exploring the law of building socialism. The original principle.
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