economic politics 在 经济理论及经济思想史 分类中 的翻译结果
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It's of great significance both theoretically and realistically to understand correctly Deng's concept of economic politics. It may help us deal with the relationship between politics and economy of the new era and have an overall and political view of the situation of the socialist modernization construction which views economic construction as the central issue. 正确认识和理解邓小平的经济政治观 ,对于我们处理好新时期的政治与经济的关系 ,从政治高度总揽以经济建设为中心的社会主义现代化建设的全局 ,具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。 短句来源 The aim of Economic Politics lies in the interrelated connections in economics and politics, which suggests a dynamic and balanced concept of economics and politics. 经济政治学以政治与经济之间的互动关系为其研究的出发点和目的,它倡导一种动态平衡的经济政治观。 短句来源 It's of great significance both theoretically and realistically to understand correctly Deng's concept of economic politics. It may help us deal with the relationship between politics and economy of the new era and have an overall and political view of the situation of the socialist modernization construction which views economic construction as the central issue. 正确认识和理解邓小平的经济政治观 ,对于我们处理好新时期的政治与经济的关系 ,从政治高度总揽以经济建设为中心的社会主义现代化建设的全局 ,具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。 短句来源 The aim of Economic Politics lies in the interrelated connections in economics and politics, which suggests a dynamic and balanced concept of economics and politics. 经济政治学以政治与经济之间的互动关系为其研究的出发点和目的,它倡导一种动态平衡的经济政治观。 短句来源 Economic Politics: A New Perspective on the Study of the Relationship between Politics and Economy 经济政治学:政治-经济关系研究的新视角 短句来源 Economic Polity is the result of integration of politics and economics, which is known as economic politics. It studies not only political issues in economy, but also economic issues in polity, which shows the essential relationships between economics and politics. 经济政治学是政治学与经济学相互渗透融合的产物,是经济的政治学,它既研究经济现象中的政治问题,也研究政治现象中的经济问题,揭示经济现象与政治现象之间的本质联系。 短句来源 The aim of Economic Politics lies in the interrelated connections in economics and politics, which suggests a dynamic and balanced concept of economics and politics. 经济政治学以政治与经济之间的互动关系为其研究的出发点和目的,它倡导一种动态平衡的经济政治观。 短句来源 Political Economics and Economic Politics——Summary of Research in New PoliticalEconomics 政治的经济学与经济的政治学——西方新政治经济学研究综述 短句来源 Economic Polity is the result of integration of politics and economics, which is known as economic politics. It studies not only political issues in economy, but also economic issues in polity, which shows the essential relationships between economics and politics. 经济政治学是政治学与经济学相互渗透融合的产物,是经济的政治学,它既研究经济现象中的政治问题,也研究政治现象中的经济问题,揭示经济现象与政治现象之间的本质联系。 短句来源
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economic politics
Rational moralists: The role of fairness in democratic economic politics
Pace of spreading depends on market and also determined by financial and regional background of economic politics.
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