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发布时间:2018-09-06 15:25
[Abstract]:The westward movement of the continental frontier of the United States in the 19th century provided the necessary security conditions and economic guarantees for the establishment and implementation of democratic politics, and formed a characteristic culture that played a catalytic role in democratic politics. At the same time, it has had a positive impact on the concept of democratic politics among the populace. The concept of free survival and equal competition has become an inevitable part of society and an important part of democratic politics. Moreover, by changing the consciousness of political democracy from a static individual or a small group to a flowing collective consciousness, the democratic political concept in the United States has been strengthened, and the democratic spirit represented by anti-slavery and feminist movements has been accelerated. The legal system and public rights constructed by the principle of majority determination and the contractual relationship between immigrants in the pioneering process have made the democratic politics of the United States have a solid foundation from the grass-roots level, and gradually evolved into the core content of the various social systems.
【作者单位】: 河西学院历史文化与旅游学院;


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