[Abstract]:The fall of Mubarak's regime opened the process of political reconstruction in Egypt. The political crisis surrounding the constitutional referendum at the end of 2012 was the logical result of the evolution of Egypt's social and political power after the January 25 Revolution. Islamists, secular liberals and the military are the three forces that shaped the course of Egyptian society in the post-Mubarak era. The essence of the constitutional crisis is the great game of Egypt's social and political trend in the future. Behind it is the confrontation between the religious and secular forces in Egypt and the conflict between the president and the judiciary. The military's interests and influence in Egypt's political and economic affairs are intertwined, and it tries to maintain the role of "arbiter of the situation" in balancing religion and secularism. To a certain extent, the constitutional referendum crisis reflects the complicated evolution and prospects of Egypt and the whole Middle East. Morsi's visit to China will help push the strategic cooperative relationship between China and Egypt to a new level.
【作者单位】: 上海社会科学院国际关系研究所;
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