[Abstract]:Singapore, as one of the most interconnected countries in the world, has adopted a "three-pronged" approach in the management of network content. One is to implement a light touch management system, the other is to encourage self-discipline in the industry, and third, to strengthen public education. To raise the awareness of network security. In recent years, with the increasing popularity of network applications, Singapore has issued policies and regulations such as Classification license system, Internet Operation rules and spam Control Act to improve its network management. Singapore network content management not only implements strict legal system, but also implements flexible management policy such as value propaganda. The formulation of relevant policies in Singapore is not only in line with its historical culture and development practice, but also with the extensive application of the network and the attention of the government, its successful experience is worth learning and drawing lessons from.
【作者单位】: 暨南大学社会科学部;暨南大学法学院;
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