[Abstract]:The essence of expert participation in decision-making is how to deal with the relationship between knowledge and politics. There is an inherent tension between professionalism and political values. The value orientation of Chinese experts' participation in decision-making has experienced the relative independence of professionalism and politics, the relative subordination of professionalism to politics, the relative separation of professionalism and politics, and the swing between professionalism and politics. The historical evolution of political leadership, professionalism and political interaction under ideology. The historical development of the value orientation of American experts' participation in decision-making has generally experienced the advocating of professional value orientation, the leading of political value orientation, the flourishing of professional value orientation, and the revival of political value orientation. The historical change of political and professional value orientation. Comparing the value orientation of the participation of Chinese and American experts in decision-making, their common points are that the political value has an important external influence on the exertion of the professional value, and the professional value provides the credit support for the development of the political value orientation. The essence is to seek professional and political interaction and balance; The difference between the two is that the participation of experts in decision-making is the professional rationality under the overall politics in China and the professional practice in the United States under the pluralistic politics. In general, in order to achieve professional and political interaction and balance in the future, it is necessary to highlight the honest agent role of experts in decision-making, promote the formation of ideological market, and provide institutional support for information communication.
【作者单位】: 湖南大学法学院;湘潭大学公共管理学院;
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