[Abstract]:This paper mainly uses the method of case study and general research, comparative analysis, historical analysis and other research methods, through the analysis of political parties in the European Parliament to explore the functions of political parties in the European Parliament. Although the European Community (EU) has been expanding and the number of seats in the European Parliament has been increasing, the number of caucuses in the European Parliament has been around 7 to 10 for a long time. The current European Parliament has seven caucuses of varying sizes. In order to study the role of political parties in the European Parliament scientifically and deeply, the author classifies them appropriately. The multinational caucuses in the European Parliament and the national delegations in the transnational caucuses are the political characteristics of political parties in the European Parliament. The political parties in the European Parliament are the inevitable result of the introduction of representative system into the process of European integration. As a political subject, the political parties in the European Parliament must assume certain political functions and play their due role in all aspects of the political process. The functions of political parties in the European Parliament are mainly reflected in two aspects: first, the role of political parties in the European Parliament, mainly in personnel arrangements, in the organs of the European Parliament and in its decision-making organs, and in the selection of members of the European Parliament. (B) the appointment of the leadership of the European Parliament, parliamentary committees, conferences of speakers, plenary meetings, etc.; Second, the impact on the process of European integration. Political parties in the European Parliament have put forward their own European policies and have different attitudes towards the process of European integration. It has had a profound impact on the cause of European integration. At the same time, the political parties in the European Parliament also have a certain influence on domestic politics. The last part of the article briefly analyzes the development of supranational party system in the European Parliament, and concludes that the expansion of the powers of the European Parliament has an important impact on the development of the supranational political party system. It also points out the factors that affect the function of political parties and the measures to eliminate their negative effects.
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