[Abstract]:1979-1983 was one of the most turbulent and volatile periods in the history of the British Labour Party. In October 1983, Kinnock took over the historic task of reviving the Labor Party at a critical juncture of ideology, organization and election. Kinnock was the first to devote himself to the organizational reform and modernization of the Labour Party. He set up a middle-left alliance with resistance to reform. On this basis, through gradual reform, the upper levels of the party will be restored to control, democracy within the party will be expanded, and relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions will be adjusted. Thus, the Labour Party will be transformed from a party with no authority, no democracy within the party, various sectarian groups, and infighting among itself. Transformed into a cohesive force, combat effectiveness, organized life in all aspects of the orderly operation of the party. This is a crucial step in reviving Labour. The introspection and adjustment of the Labour Party's policy constitute another important part of Kinnock's reconstruction of the Labor Party. Labour's rise and decline was largely due to its traditional theory that policies could not adapt to the new realities of British society and were not accepted by middle-class voters. Kinnock made a comprehensive introspection and adjustment of ownership policy, market policy, macroeconomic policy, welfare policy, European policy, etc. The new theories and policies agreed by the mainstream British voters increased their confidence in the Labour Party to some extent. As the leader of the Labor Party, Kinnock has made important contributions to the re-emergence of the Labor Party, and his special position and role in the history of the Labor Party is beyond doubt. Of course, in the face of Labour's unprecedented predicament and the severe challenges of the times, Kinnock's reconstruction is bound to be limited. This also determines that in the history of the Labour Party, Kinnock is both an outstanding man of the past and a transitional figure. In a sense, without Kinnock's efforts to rebuild the Labour Party in 1983-1992, there would be no overwhelming victory in Blair's 1997 general election and no "third way" theory. Finally, the author thinks about the enlightening significance of the reform and reconstruction of the Labour Party promoted by Kinnock, and thinks that if a political party wants to develop and grow, it must carry out reform in accordance with the needs of the times, must strive to expand the social foundation of the party, and at the same time, In the field of ideology, we should transcend the shackles of "left" and "right" according to the changes of the times.
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