[Abstract]:Frolovsky is a famous Russian religious philosopher and an outstanding representative of the Russian diaspora intellectuals in exile after the October Revolution. While living in Bulgaria, Flovsky and three like-minded Russian scholars initiated Eurasian ideological trend based on the tradition of Orthodox culture. Although the relationship between Frolowski and Eurasian thoughts is still unclear, as one of the founders, Frolowski did participate in the creation of important early Eurasian literature. Moreover, his attitude towards European culture and Russian revolution is basically consistent with the ideas of early classical Eurasia. However, with the increasingly obvious political tendency of Eurasia and the decrease of religious content, there were serious ideological differences between Frolowski and Eurasia. In the end, Frolowski chose to break away from Eurasia and deeply reflect on it, while criticizing the Eurasian trend of thought deviating from the guiding role of the Eastern Orthodox Church as the core of the spirit. The importance of Orthodox tradition to the future development of Russia was emphasized.
【作者单位】: 北京外国语大学俄语学院;
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