[Abstract]:Trump's election as the next president of the United States has profound political significance, which implies the profound development of the transformation of American political culture and the reorganization of political parties in the United States. As an important component of the contemporary transformation of American political culture, the reorganization of political parties in the United States is largely due to the short-term economic difficulties and the long-term demographic changes in the United States. Ethnic immigration is the fundamental force to promote the demographic change in the United States, and then ethnic issues have become an important factor in understanding the reorganization of political parties in the United States. In combination with the political changes in the United States since the end of the Cold War, ethnic factors have promoted the reorganization of political parties in the United States in three aspects: first, the demarcation of ethnic groups has aggravated the existing political polarization in the United States; Second, through the return to live together, the birth of a new electoral population geography; third, break through the traditional "political correctness", accelerated the development of "border war." It can be argued that, although ethnic factors are not the fundamental force to promote the reorganization of political parties in the United States, ethnic factors have indeed played a catalytic role in the process of political party reorganization in the United States from "cultural war" to "border war". America is moving from an ethnic melting pot to an ethnic battlefield.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学美国研究中心;
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