发布时间:2019-01-07 06:57
【摘要】:现代社会保障制度是人类社会发展进程中的产物,是工业化、都市化、现代化的结果。现代社会保障制度适应西方工业化和市场经济的发展,已经历经100 多年。欧盟国家社会保障制度建立较早,并拥有多种颇具代表性的理论。欧盟是世界上福利水平最高的地区性组织,从第二次世界大战结束至今,经过半个多世纪的实践,其社会保障制度正发展成为举世公认的最成功的社会保障制度。近年来,欧盟各成员国正积极进行改革,使其社会保障制度更合理、更有效。 自《中华人民共和国劳动保险条例》颁布开始,中国社会保障制度已走过了54 年的发展历程,其社会保障制度从雏形到逐步成熟和规范。现阶段中国社会存在许多矛盾和问题,因此,考察欧盟各成员国社会保障制度的形成与发展,从中得到对于建构中国的社会保障体系具有重要意义。
[Abstract]:Modern social security system is the result of industrialization, urbanization and modernization. The modern social security system adapts to the development of the western industrialization and market economy, has gone through more than 100 years. The social security system of EU countries was established earlier and has a variety of representative theories. The European Union is a regional organization with the highest welfare level in the world. Since the end of the second World War, after more than half a century of practice, its social security system is becoming the most successful social security system in the world. In recent years, EU member states are actively reforming their social security systems to make them more reasonable and effective. Since the promulgation of the Labor Insurance regulations of the people's Republic of China, China's social security system has gone through 54 years of development, its social security system has gradually matured and standardized from its embryonic form. At present, there are many contradictions and problems in Chinese society. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the formation and development of social security system in the member states of the European Union in order to construct China's social security system.
[Abstract]:Modern social security system is the result of industrialization, urbanization and modernization. The modern social security system adapts to the development of the western industrialization and market economy, has gone through more than 100 years. The social security system of EU countries was established earlier and has a variety of representative theories. The European Union is a regional organization with the highest welfare level in the world. Since the end of the second World War, after more than half a century of practice, its social security system is becoming the most successful social security system in the world. In recent years, EU member states are actively reforming their social security systems to make them more reasonable and effective. Since the promulgation of the Labor Insurance regulations of the people's Republic of China, China's social security system has gone through 54 years of development, its social security system has gradually matured and standardized from its embryonic form. At present, there are many contradictions and problems in Chinese society. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the formation and development of social security system in the member states of the European Union in order to construct China's social security system.
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1 徐彤;中国农民工社会保障的经济效应研究[D];西北大学;2011年
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1 田建荣;我国社会保障筹资方式的“费改税”问题研究[D];河北大学;2009年