[Abstract]:In the more than 60 years after World War II, the European Socialist Party entered politics many times. In the long-term governing practice, although the European Socialist Party inevitably has great limitations because of its reformist nature, it is impossible to fundamentally touch the capitalist system and eliminate many of its inherent drawbacks. However, the series of major policies adopted in its governing practice and the practice of governing and managing the country still conform to the requirements of the development of productive forces in various European countries, and to a certain extent reflect the interests of the broad masses of the people and promote the development of social economy. It has played a positive role in improving the living standards of the working people and improving the capitalist system. In the ruling practice of the European Socialist Party in the postwar decades, there are not only the joy of success, but also the bitterness of failure, the combination of pain and joy, and the coexistence of success and failure, among which the accumulated governing experience is worth our deep thinking and study. This paper studies and summarizes the ruling experience of the European Socialist Party from three aspects of theoretical innovation, ruling policy and the construction of the ruling party, in order to provide some enlightenment and reference to the ruling Communist Party of China. The main part of the thesis consists of eight chapters. The first chapter: the theoretical analysis of the ruling party. This chapter mainly expounds the basic theory of political party, ruling party and ruling party, and also introduces Marxist ruling theory. This is the basic theory part of the whole paper, which lays the theoretical foundation and theoretical basis for the main body of the thesis. Chapter II: the development of the European Socialist Party after the war. This chapter reviews five periods of the development of the European Socialist Party after World War II: the period of reconstruction and recovery, the brief period of loss, the golden period, the period of crisis recession and the period of the third revival. Chapter three: the ruling idea of the European Socialist Party. This chapter elaborates in detail the governing concept of the European Socialist Party, which is based on the values of freedom, justice, solidarity and mutual assistance: the political concept of freedom, equality and democracy, the concept of a market economy under the control of the state, and justice. The social concept of solidarity and mutual assistance and the international concept of peace, development and humanity. Chapter four: the ruling practice of the European Socialist Party. In this part, the author selects the Swedish Social Democratic Party, the German Social Democratic Party, the French Socialist Party and the British Labour Party in different periods of time as well as their great achievements. Chapter five: the theoretical experience of the ruling of the European Socialist Party. This part describes the major, iconic renewal and adjustment of the European Socialist Party after World War II. The first theoretical update is marked by the Gothenburg Programme, and the second by the third way. The article points out that the European Socialist Party is always the root.
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