Chapter One Political Parties and Party Identification in the United States
1.1 Political Party and American Two-part System
1.1.1 Definition and Functions of Political Party
1.1.2 American Two-party System
1.2 Definition of Party Identification
1.3 Connotation of Party Identification
1.3.1 Objects of Party Identification in the United States
1.3.2 Subjects of Party Identification in the United States
1.4 Characteristics of Party Identification in the United States
1.5 Summary
Chapter Two Classification and Changes of American Ethnic Minorities
2.1 Definition of American Ethnic Minorities
2.2 Current Situation of American Ethnic Minorities
2.2.1 Composition of American Ethnic Groups
2.2.2 Population Changes of American Ethnic Minorities
2.3 Summary
Chapter Three Party Identification of American Ethnic Minorities
3.1 Party Identification of African Americans
3.2 Party Identification of Hispanic American
3.3 Party Identification of Asian Americans
3.4 Party Identification of Native Americans
3.5 Summary
Chapter Four Factors Affecting Party Identification of Ethnic Groups in theUnited States
4.1 Political Factors
4.2 Religious Belief
4.3 Educationl Level
4.4 Summary
Chapter Five The Impacts of the Ethnic Minorities' Party Identification onAmerican Politics
5.1 The Increasing Number of Ethnic Minority Voters and Their EnhancedPolitical Participation
5.2 The Increasing Impact of Ethnic Interest Groups on American Politics
5.3 Hispanics: The Key Minority in Swing States
5.4 Summary
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