发布时间:2021-07-15 00:39
【文章来源】:华东师范大学上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:228 页
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Key Terms
1.3 Research Background
1.4 Research Significance
1.5 Research Problem and Objectives
1.6 Research Methodology
1.7 Research creativity
1.8 Difficulties Encountered in the Study
1.9 Overview of the Dissertation
Chapter2 General Introduction to Aristotle and Aristotelian Thought
2.1 Preliminaries
2.2 Aristotle’s Life
2.2.1 Practical science
2.2.2 Theoretical sciences
2.2.3 Productive Science
2.3 Aristotle’s Writings
2.4 Aristotle’s Philosophy
2.4.1 Logic
2.5 Aristotle’s Works
Chapter3 Aristotle’s Introduction into the Islamic World and its Repercussions
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Aristotle’s Introduction to the Islamic World
3.2.1 Historical Background
3.2.2 Translation Movement and its Role in the Introduction of Aristotle to the Islamic World
3.2.3 The Impact of Aristotle and Greek Philosophy on the Islamic World
3.2.4 Philosophers’and Commentators’Standpoints vis-à-vis the Aristotelian Logic
3.2.5 Translation Methodology and its Drawbacks in the Islamic World
3.3 The Repercussions of Aristotle’s Entry into the Islamic world
3.3.1 The First Stages of Scientific and Intellectual Renaissance in the Islamic World before Contacting Aristotle and the Greek Heritage
3.3.2 The Introduction of Mental Sciences after Contacting Aristotle and the Greek Heritage and theirImpact on the Scientific Revival in the Islamic World
3.3.3 The Repercussion of the Introduction of New Sciences into the Islamic world and the Emergence of Scientific Competition
3.4 Political and Social Factors that led to the Introduction of Aristotle to the Islamic World
3.4.1 The Administrative and Religious Needs of the State
3.5 Scientific and Intellectual Outcome of the Islamic World in the Middle Ages After the Introduction ofAristotle and Greek Heritage
Chapter4 The Islamic World Influence on the West and the Return of Aristotle and Greek Thought
4.1 Introduction
4.2 How the Islamic World contacted the West in the Middle Ages and its Repercussion on the West
4.2.1 Contacts via Spain,Sicily and Southern Italy
4.2.2 The Contact via the Crusades
4.2.3 The Translation Movement in the West
4.3 Islamic Philosophy and Philosophers and their Role in the Islamic Influence on the West
4.3.1 The Contributions of Ibn Rushd(Averroes)and his Suppression
4.4 European Renaissance
4.5 The Fields of Scientific Renaissance in the Islamic World,its Transition and its Influence in the West..
4.5.1 Mathematical Sciences
4.5.2 Optics
4.5.3 Medicine
4.5.4 Chemistry
4.5.5 Cartography Science
Chapter5 The Decline of the Islamic World after its loss to the Aristotelian Rationality and its Repercussions
5.1 The Decline and Deterioration of the Islamic World after its Rise
5.1.1 The loss of Aristotle,Scientific and Mental Thinking and the Decline of the Islamic World
5.2 The Repercussions of the Decline of Islamic world and the Emergence of Western Hegemony especiallyin the Arab World
5.2.1 The Political Influences of the West‘Us’on the Arab World‘Others’
5.2.2 The Social Influences on the Arab World and its Repercussions
5.2.3 The Other Side of the Western Influence on the Arab World
5.3 Conclusion
Chapter6 the Implication for Modern China Beyond
6.1 A Brief Overview of the Powerful China before Contacting the West and Aristotle
6.2 The First Phase: -Western Contact with China and the First Arrival of Aristotle to China and the Role ofJesuits
6.2.1 The Factors that Facilitated Aristotle Introduction into China
6.2.2 Aristotle’s arrival in China and the Role of the Jesuits in Introducing the Aristotelian Thought
6.2.3 Translation Movement in China and its Role in the Introduction of Aristotle and Western Science toChina
6.2.4 Translation Methodology and its Drawbacks
6.2.5 The Implication of Aristotle and the Western Science on China in the First Stage
6.3 The Second Stage:The Implication for Modern China and Beyond
6.3.1 The Implication for China and Different Views
6.3.2 The Beginning of the Western Contact with China and their Impact on them
6.3.3 The Foundation of China and its Advancement,Technological Development Trends and Changesthat have Taken Place(Modernization) Revolution of May 4th Movement and Transformation in China The Communist Thought in China and its Impact on China
6.3.4 The Implication of Events for Technological Development in China-How is China Trying toRestore and Build itself?
6.4 The Symmetries and Asymmetries underlying the Introduction of Aristotle to China and the MuslimWorld
Chapter7 China and its Self-reconstruction and the Possibility of Applying the Chinese Model in the IslamicWorld
7.1 Introduction
7.2 The Chinese Rise and the Alternative Model of the Western Liberal System
7.3 Historical Factors that brought the Islamic world and China together before and after their Contact withAristotle
7.4 The Chinese Model and how China Re-built itself
7.5 How the Islamic world can benefit from the Chinese model after losing Aristotle and his RationalThinking
7.5.1 The Factors that Made the Chinese Experience most Welcomed in the Arab and Islamic World
7.5.2 after the Aristotelian Experience,How the Islamic World can Benefit from the Chinese Model
7.6 Conclusion
Chapter8 Conclusion
【文章来源】:华东师范大学上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:228 页
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Key Terms
1.3 Research Background
1.4 Research Significance
1.5 Research Problem and Objectives
1.6 Research Methodology
1.7 Research creativity
1.8 Difficulties Encountered in the Study
1.9 Overview of the Dissertation
Chapter2 General Introduction to Aristotle and Aristotelian Thought
2.1 Preliminaries
2.2 Aristotle’s Life
2.2.1 Practical science
2.2.2 Theoretical sciences
2.2.3 Productive Science
2.3 Aristotle’s Writings
2.4 Aristotle’s Philosophy
2.4.1 Logic
2.5 Aristotle’s Works
Chapter3 Aristotle’s Introduction into the Islamic World and its Repercussions
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Aristotle’s Introduction to the Islamic World
3.2.1 Historical Background
3.2.2 Translation Movement and its Role in the Introduction of Aristotle to the Islamic World
3.2.3 The Impact of Aristotle and Greek Philosophy on the Islamic World
3.2.4 Philosophers’and Commentators’Standpoints vis-à-vis the Aristotelian Logic
3.2.5 Translation Methodology and its Drawbacks in the Islamic World
3.3 The Repercussions of Aristotle’s Entry into the Islamic world
3.3.1 The First Stages of Scientific and Intellectual Renaissance in the Islamic World before Contacting Aristotle and the Greek Heritage
3.3.2 The Introduction of Mental Sciences after Contacting Aristotle and the Greek Heritage and theirImpact on the Scientific Revival in the Islamic World
3.3.3 The Repercussion of the Introduction of New Sciences into the Islamic world and the Emergence of Scientific Competition
3.4 Political and Social Factors that led to the Introduction of Aristotle to the Islamic World
3.4.1 The Administrative and Religious Needs of the State
3.5 Scientific and Intellectual Outcome of the Islamic World in the Middle Ages After the Introduction ofAristotle and Greek Heritage
Chapter4 The Islamic World Influence on the West and the Return of Aristotle and Greek Thought
4.1 Introduction
4.2 How the Islamic World contacted the West in the Middle Ages and its Repercussion on the West
4.2.1 Contacts via Spain,Sicily and Southern Italy
4.2.2 The Contact via the Crusades
4.2.3 The Translation Movement in the West
4.3 Islamic Philosophy and Philosophers and their Role in the Islamic Influence on the West
4.3.1 The Contributions of Ibn Rushd(Averroes)and his Suppression
4.4 European Renaissance
4.5 The Fields of Scientific Renaissance in the Islamic World,its Transition and its Influence in the West..
4.5.1 Mathematical Sciences
4.5.2 Optics
4.5.3 Medicine
4.5.4 Chemistry
4.5.5 Cartography Science
Chapter5 The Decline of the Islamic World after its loss to the Aristotelian Rationality and its Repercussions
5.1 The Decline and Deterioration of the Islamic World after its Rise
5.1.1 The loss of Aristotle,Scientific and Mental Thinking and the Decline of the Islamic World
5.2 The Repercussions of the Decline of Islamic world and the Emergence of Western Hegemony especiallyin the Arab World
5.2.1 The Political Influences of the West‘Us’on the Arab World‘Others’
5.2.2 The Social Influences on the Arab World and its Repercussions
5.2.3 The Other Side of the Western Influence on the Arab World
5.3 Conclusion
Chapter6 the Implication for Modern China Beyond
6.1 A Brief Overview of the Powerful China before Contacting the West and Aristotle
6.2 The First Phase: -Western Contact with China and the First Arrival of Aristotle to China and the Role ofJesuits
6.2.1 The Factors that Facilitated Aristotle Introduction into China
6.2.2 Aristotle’s arrival in China and the Role of the Jesuits in Introducing the Aristotelian Thought
6.2.3 Translation Movement in China and its Role in the Introduction of Aristotle and Western Science toChina
6.2.4 Translation Methodology and its Drawbacks
6.2.5 The Implication of Aristotle and the Western Science on China in the First Stage
6.3 The Second Stage:The Implication for Modern China and Beyond
6.3.1 The Implication for China and Different Views
6.3.2 The Beginning of the Western Contact with China and their Impact on them
6.3.3 The Foundation of China and its Advancement,Technological Development Trends and Changesthat have Taken Place(Modernization) Revolution of May 4th Movement and Transformation in China The Communist Thought in China and its Impact on China
6.3.4 The Implication of Events for Technological Development in China-How is China Trying toRestore and Build itself?
6.4 The Symmetries and Asymmetries underlying the Introduction of Aristotle to China and the MuslimWorld
Chapter7 China and its Self-reconstruction and the Possibility of Applying the Chinese Model in the IslamicWorld
7.1 Introduction
7.2 The Chinese Rise and the Alternative Model of the Western Liberal System
7.3 Historical Factors that brought the Islamic world and China together before and after their Contact withAristotle
7.4 The Chinese Model and how China Re-built itself
7.5 How the Islamic world can benefit from the Chinese model after losing Aristotle and his RationalThinking
7.5.1 The Factors that Made the Chinese Experience most Welcomed in the Arab and Islamic World
7.5.2 after the Aristotelian Experience,How the Islamic World can Benefit from the Chinese Model
7.6 Conclusion
Chapter8 Conclusion