发布时间:2021-07-28 22:26
【文章页数】:63 页
Chapter 1 The Tea Party Movement
1.1 The Origin of the Tea Party Movement
1.2 Prominent Figures and Participants
1.2.1 Prominent Figures of the Tea Party Movement
1.2.2 Participants
1.3 The Development Process of the Tea Party Movement
1.3.1 The Early Local Protest Events
1.3.2 The First National Protests
1.4 Is It A Top-bottom Movement or A Bottom-up Movement?
Chapter 2 People's Major Demands in the Tea Party Movement
2.1 Conservative Economic Reform
2.2 Smaller Government
2.3 The Opposition to Illegal Immigration
2.4“Contract From America”
Chapter 3 Unique Characteristics of the Tea Party Movement Comapred with theOccupy Wall Street Movement
3.1 Party Affiliation
3.2 The Combination of Online and Offline Mobilization
3.3 Media's Support
Chapter 4 Its Role in Contemporary American Party Politics
4.1 Its Role in the Midterm and General Elections
4.1.1 The2010 Midterm Elections
4.1.2 The2012 Elections
4.1.3 The2014 Midterm Elections
4.2 Its Role in the2016 Presidential Campaign
4.3 Its Influence on the Trump Administration
Chapter 5 The Influence of the Right-wing Populism on Contemporary AmericanParty Politics
5.1 The Relationship Between the Tea Party Movement and the Right-wingPopulism
5.2 The Influence of the Right-wing Populism on Contemporary American PoliticalPolitics
5.2.1 Much Farther Right Republican Party
5.2.2 The Breaking of“Political Correctness”
[1]茶党的兴起及对美国政治生态的影响[J]. 彭欣. 知识经济. 2018(17)
[2]从右翼平民主义的视角看美国茶党运动[J]. 付随鑫. 美国研究. 2015(05)
[3]美国茶党运动特点与走势[J]. 武巍,高兴伟. 人民论坛. 2015(02)
[4]美国茶党运动的政治诉求及其走向分析[J]. 房广顺,张敬阡. 井冈山大学学报(社会科学版). 2014(06)
[5]“占领华尔街”运动与茶党运动的对比分析——政治过程理论视角[J]. 杨悦. 美国研究. 2014(03)
[6]茶党运动:伪草根运动?——美国茶党运动的诱因与性质[J]. 丁晔. 当代世界社会主义问题. 2013(04)
[7]茶党运动与重铸美国极端保守主义[J]. 刘永涛. 教学与研究. 2013(09)
[8]利弊之辩:浅析非法移民对美国经济的影响[J]. 陈积敏. 新远见. 2012(03)
[9]茶党运动兴起及其对美国政治的影响[J]. 廖坚. 国际资料信息. 2011(02)
【文章页数】:63 页
Chapter 1 The Tea Party Movement
1.1 The Origin of the Tea Party Movement
1.2 Prominent Figures and Participants
1.2.1 Prominent Figures of the Tea Party Movement
1.2.2 Participants
1.3 The Development Process of the Tea Party Movement
1.3.1 The Early Local Protest Events
1.3.2 The First National Protests
1.4 Is It A Top-bottom Movement or A Bottom-up Movement?
Chapter 2 People's Major Demands in the Tea Party Movement
2.1 Conservative Economic Reform
2.2 Smaller Government
2.3 The Opposition to Illegal Immigration
2.4“Contract From America”
Chapter 3 Unique Characteristics of the Tea Party Movement Comapred with theOccupy Wall Street Movement
3.1 Party Affiliation
3.2 The Combination of Online and Offline Mobilization
3.3 Media's Support
Chapter 4 Its Role in Contemporary American Party Politics
4.1 Its Role in the Midterm and General Elections
4.1.1 The2010 Midterm Elections
4.1.2 The2012 Elections
4.1.3 The2014 Midterm Elections
4.2 Its Role in the2016 Presidential Campaign
4.3 Its Influence on the Trump Administration
Chapter 5 The Influence of the Right-wing Populism on Contemporary AmericanParty Politics
5.1 The Relationship Between the Tea Party Movement and the Right-wingPopulism
5.2 The Influence of the Right-wing Populism on Contemporary American PoliticalPolitics
5.2.1 Much Farther Right Republican Party
5.2.2 The Breaking of“Political Correctness”
[1]茶党的兴起及对美国政治生态的影响[J]. 彭欣. 知识经济. 2018(17)
[2]从右翼平民主义的视角看美国茶党运动[J]. 付随鑫. 美国研究. 2015(05)
[3]美国茶党运动特点与走势[J]. 武巍,高兴伟. 人民论坛. 2015(02)
[4]美国茶党运动的政治诉求及其走向分析[J]. 房广顺,张敬阡. 井冈山大学学报(社会科学版). 2014(06)
[5]“占领华尔街”运动与茶党运动的对比分析——政治过程理论视角[J]. 杨悦. 美国研究. 2014(03)
[6]茶党运动:伪草根运动?——美国茶党运动的诱因与性质[J]. 丁晔. 当代世界社会主义问题. 2013(04)
[7]茶党运动与重铸美国极端保守主义[J]. 刘永涛. 教学与研究. 2013(09)
[8]利弊之辩:浅析非法移民对美国经济的影响[J]. 陈积敏. 新远见. 2012(03)
[9]茶党运动兴起及其对美国政治的影响[J]. 廖坚. 国际资料信息. 2011(02)