发布时间:2023-03-11 07:22
【文章页数】:75 页
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.1.1 Overview of Migration
1.1.2 Statement of Research Problem
1.2 Literature Review
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 Main Argument
1.5 Scope and Limitations
1.6 Methodology
1.7 Progress of Study
CHAPTER2 Overview of Immigration Policies
2.1 Brief History of Immigration Policies in Japan
2.2 Phases of Japanese Immigration Policies before End of the Cold war
2.3 Continuing Immigration Policies in Japan
2.3.1 The‘90 Regime’Policy
2.3.2 Recent Policy Developments and Implications
2.3.3 Highly Skilled Foreign Professional Policy(HSFP)
2.3.4 The“300,000 Foreign Student Plan”
2.3.5 A New Immigration Policy for Japan
2.4 Internal Policy Interventions(Marriage and Childbirth Policy)
CHAPTER3 Explanations of Continuity and Changes of Immigration Policies in Japan
3.1 Internal Factors Sustaining the Attitude of Anti-immigration policies towards Foreigners
3.1.1 The“National Identity”Approach
3.1.2 Role of the Media in Japan
3.1.3 Political Factors
3.2 Factors Leading to the Revisions of Immigration Policies
3.2.1 Neoclassical Economic Theory
3.2.2 Economic Factors
3.3 Societal Factors
3.4 External Factors Influencing Immigration Policies in Japan
CHAPTER4 Conclusions and Policy Recommendations
4.1 Implications of the immigration policies of Japan
4.1.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Policies
4.1.2 Comparing Japanese Immigration Polices to that of Some Selected Countries
4.1.3 Predicting the Future of Japanese Migration Policies
4.1.4 Refugees
4.2 Conclusions
4.3 Policy Recommendations
【文章页数】:75 页
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.1.1 Overview of Migration
1.1.2 Statement of Research Problem
1.2 Literature Review
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 Main Argument
1.5 Scope and Limitations
1.6 Methodology
1.7 Progress of Study
CHAPTER2 Overview of Immigration Policies
2.1 Brief History of Immigration Policies in Japan
2.2 Phases of Japanese Immigration Policies before End of the Cold war
2.3 Continuing Immigration Policies in Japan
2.3.1 The‘90 Regime’Policy
2.3.2 Recent Policy Developments and Implications
2.3.3 Highly Skilled Foreign Professional Policy(HSFP)
2.3.4 The“300,000 Foreign Student Plan”
2.3.5 A New Immigration Policy for Japan
2.4 Internal Policy Interventions(Marriage and Childbirth Policy)
CHAPTER3 Explanations of Continuity and Changes of Immigration Policies in Japan
3.1 Internal Factors Sustaining the Attitude of Anti-immigration policies towards Foreigners
3.1.1 The“National Identity”Approach
3.1.2 Role of the Media in Japan
3.1.3 Political Factors
3.2 Factors Leading to the Revisions of Immigration Policies
3.2.1 Neoclassical Economic Theory
3.2.2 Economic Factors
3.3 Societal Factors
3.4 External Factors Influencing Immigration Policies in Japan
CHAPTER4 Conclusions and Policy Recommendations
4.1 Implications of the immigration policies of Japan
4.1.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Policies
4.1.2 Comparing Japanese Immigration Polices to that of Some Selected Countries
4.1.3 Predicting the Future of Japanese Migration Policies
4.1.4 Refugees
4.2 Conclusions
4.3 Policy Recommendations