发布时间:2017-09-01 16:05
更多相关文章: 奥巴马 互联网 电子政治 政治传播发展的新阶段
【摘要】:2008年,贝拉克·奥巴马充分利用互联网,赢得美国总统大选。奥巴马的胜选标志着政治传播已进入新的发展阶段。 本文着重阐述了政治传播发展新阶段的理论和历史背景、电子政治与互联网的相互关系,以及上述因素与奥巴马在2008年的竞选策略的联系。由此引出结论:以奥巴马在2008年的竞选策略、对电子政治和互联网的成功运用为标志,政治传播已进入一个新的发展新阶段。
【关键词】:奥巴马 互联网 电子政治 政治传播发展的新阶段
- Acknowledgements3-4
- Abstract4-5
- 摘要5-7
- Chapter One Introduction7-16
- 1.1 Political Communication A Political Perspective8-14
- 1.1.1 Overview of Political Communication9-11
- 1.1.2 Mass Media the Leading Actor11-14
- 1.2 Media and Statges of Human Communication Development A Sociological Perspective14-16
- 1.2.1 McLuhan & Griffin’s Theory on Human Communication Development14-15
- 1.2.2 Media-based Stages of Political Communication Development15-16
- Chapter Two Stages and Transitional Periods Previous to the New Stage Political Communication Development16-24
- 2.1 The Pre-Media Stage16-17
- 2.2 The Transitional Period to the Stage of Relatively Conventional Media17-18
- 2.3 The Stage of Relatively Conventional Media18-22
- 2.3.1 The First Dominator - Industrially Printed Newspapers and Periodicals18-20
- 2.3.2 The Co-dominator Radio Broadcast20-21
- 2.3.3 A Third Co-dominator TV Broadcast21-22
- 2.4 The Transitional Period to the Neo Stage22-24
- Chapter Three The Internet and the New Stage of Political Communicati Development24-40
- 3.1 E-politics on the Rise24-25
- 3.2 Close Relevance between the Attributes of E-politics and the Internet25-40
- 3.2.1 Interaction26-30
- 3.2.2 Civilianization30-35
- 3.2.3 Individualization35-37
- 3.2.4 Immediacy37-40
- Chapter Four Obama and the New Stage of Political Communicati Development40-55
- 4.1 Highly “Cyberized”: Obama’s Publicity Means40-50
- 4.1.1 The Establishment of a Communication Platform on the Web41-44
- 4.1.2 The Virtualization of Election Materials44-45
- 4.1.3 On-line Interaction with Voters45-46
- 4.1.4 Mobilization of Volunteers and Voters on the Web46-50
- 4.2 Attributive Relevance between Obama’s Supporters, the Internet and His Means50-55
- 4.2.1 Cultural Diversity Wide Coverage & Cultural Compatibility Interaction51-53
- 4.2.2 Unbalanced Knowledge Structure & Different Information Acquisibilities Approachability & Mass-orientation Civilianization & Individualization53
- 4.2.3 Limited Time Timeliness Immediacy53-54
- 4.2.4 Sensitivity toward Social Changes Representing Change the Internet as an Emergi Medium54-55
- Chapter Five Conclusion55-57
- Bibliography57-62
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