Space was recognized in different ways in the history of ideas. When coming into the sphere of Marxist theory, space became an obbligato dimension. However, according to various demands, space was employed either in the implicit ways or in the explicit way. In order to ravel the ideas/theories of space in the Marxist and Neo-Marxist theories,the paper applies the both single-dimensions--broad sense and narrow sense--of historical materialism as the frame. And after the spatial ideas raveled out, they are compared then. The paper hope the comparative analysis can enlighten the current social practice. The whole paper was arranged into4parts following:The first part is the preparation for the whole paper, which first reviews the different recognitions of space, and then discusses the situation of space in Marxist theory, in which space not only deserves a due position, but also acquires more connotations. And ahead of raveling out the spatial ideas in the following parts, paper makes a full preparation---the theoretical point-cut and the theoretical frame. In the end of the past,the significance of the paper is revealed.The second part gets down to ravel out the spatial ideas in classical Marxist authors’works. The job was worked respectively on broad sense and narrow sense of historical materialism.On the broad sense, the issues of how the human’s living space -social space-was created and how the spatial form changes according to the processing modes of production in the human’s history are raveled out. On the narrow sense, the importance of space for the capitalist economy was told, and the spatial problems in the capitalist society was asked.The third part presents the spatial conversion in the idea realm. At then,space, as a direct object, was no longer expressed in the invisible way, but in the visible way instead. And the conversion is relevant to the urbanization in the global sphere. In this condition, it is impossible to explain the spatial issues by discussing the urban/city. Instead, it is due to discuss the global society of the new time. On the broad sense of historical materialism, the concept of "production of space" from Henry Lefebvre promoted the traditional historical materialism up-grading. On the narrow sense, David Harvey described the changes of geographical landscape under the control of capital accumulation on the spatial dimension, and finally Harvey probed the human’s liberation from the angle of space, connecting the broad and narrow sense of historical materialism in a certain sense.The forth part is the last part, which compares and concludes not only the logical shift of the broad sense and narrow sense,but also the connection and conversion between classical Marxist author and Neo-Marxist schools of urban. And with the help of the findings, the paper tries to obtain some enlightenment for exploring the essence of the current cosmopolitan issues, and for refreshing the city’s landscaping planning.
城市视域中的马克思主义社会空间理论初探 摘要3-5Abstract5-6第一章 导论8-21 1.1 “空间”在思想史上的命运及研究现状综述8-10 1.2 马克思主义空间思想的现实背景和理论入口10-14 1.3 马克思主义空间思想梳理框架:广义和狭义双重向度14-19 1.4 马克思主义空间思想的研究意义19-21第二章 经典马克思主义理论中社会空间思想的发掘21-35 2.1 广义历史唯物主义向度上的空间思想22-29 2.1.1 人类空间的建构:人化自然22-24 2.1.2 生产方式(分工)对于空间形态的塑造24-29 2.2 狭义历史唯物主义向度上的空间思想29-35 2.2.1 资本主义生产领域中空间的能动性30-32 2.2.2 资本主义社会典型的生存空间问题32-35第三章 马克思主义空间理论的研究典范——新马克思主义城市学派35-53 3.1 新马克思主义城市学派空间理论产生的背景35-37 3.2 新马克思主义城市空间理论中广义和狭义向度37-38 3.3 (社会)空间生产理论:广义历史唯物主义的空间改造38-44 3.4 资本积累的空间外现:狭义历史唯物主义的空间阐发44-48 3.5 “不平衡空间发展”到“希望的空间”:狭义向广义的展望48-53第四章 结论53-62 4.1 马克思主义空间思想的视角转变和向度切换53-55 4.2 “城市”和“空间”范畴在空间思想中的地位转换55-57 4.3 新马克思主义对传统马克思主义空间思想的升华57-58 4.4 马克思主义空间思想发展的现实性启示58-62参考文献62-66后记66-68