马克思主义理论教育与党风廉政建设关系研究.pdf 全文免费在线阅读

发布时间:2016-09-18 16:26


网友numten7近日为您收集整理了关于马克思主义理论教育与党风廉政建设关系研究的文档,,希望对您的工作和学习有所帮助。以下是文档介绍:345AbstractThe theoretical education of Marxism is an important part of theconstructionof a clean andhonest administration. It is the necessity of enhancing party members' theory training. It isimportant to enhance theconstructionof a clean and honest administration, and the anti-corruptionabilityof ourparty.This paper is divided into four parts, describing how the use The theoretical education ofMarxism to promote clean government.The first part mainly elaborates Marxism theoretical education and the conduct and ethicalgovernance construction concept and the limits. The Marxism theoreticaleducation takes theeducation as a method to receive the pedagogue using Marxism's scientific system and the basicprinciple to carry on the theory the popularization and the propaganda process. Theoreticaleducation's object is mainly aims at having thestate power party member cadres .The conduct and ethical governance construction refers to have the state power party membercadre, subjectively is incorrupt and self-discipline, objectively does not abuse the state power, takerealizes national and people's benefit maximization in the performance of official functions processas main purpose practice, is the punishment and the prevention corrupt unifies, is personally honestthe process which and takes part in government honestly unifies. What this article cultivation ofclean government main research is the Marxism theoretical education takes part in government thecorrupt prevention function before the party member cadre .The second part mainly elaborated the relationships between the Marxism theoreticaleducation and the conduct and ethical governance construction. The Marxism theoretical educationand conduct and ethical governance construction's relations are the theory and the practice relations.Mainly manifests in the Marxism theoretical educationmay provide the thought weapon for theconduct and ethical governance construction. The Marxism theoretical education may promote theconduct and ethical governance construction. The former mainly (theory) the procedure declarationtheoretical education may enhance the human from person's understanding to the conduct andethical governance construction understanding. The latter has reaction angle embarking fromperson's understanding to the practice to explain that the Marxism theoretical education maypromote the conduct and ethical governance construction, the prevention corrupt function.6The third part mainly elaborated in the Marxism theory about the conduct and ethicalgovernance construction thought. It mainly has Marx, Lenin's conduct and ethical governanceconstruction thought and the Chinese all previous years leader's conduct and ethical governanceconstruction thought. It explained conduct and ethical governance construction's theory is going on,with society's development and person's understanding enhancement . Especially, our country'sleader, in the Ch


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