本文关键词: 毛泽东 廉政思想 传统文化 从严治党 出处:《江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2017年05期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The construction of a clean government of the Communist Party of China is an important issue that Mao Zedong has always paid close attention to and pondered over. Mao Zedong has deeply realized the important position of building a clean government from the Chinese traditional culture. It is pointed out that the corruption of leadership life is an important reason for the failure of the ancient peasant uprising, and the feudal dynasty of official corruption is bound to collapse. Mao Zedong drew "not strict requirements from ancient literature and history, they will also deteriorate". Such important propositions as "not to learn from the overlord of Chu", "our party cadres should study the style of Wei Rui," and "to tear up Ma Su, this is a matter of last resort," and other important propositions, such as: "leading cadres should strictly require their children and strengthen democratic supervision." Mao Zedong's idea of clean government and the method of constructing honest and honest government discourse are of great significance for the promotion of comprehensive and strict administration of the Party and the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
【作者单位】: 南通大学马克思主义学院;
【基金】:江苏南通廉政研究中心课题“毛泽东廉政思想的传统文化意蕴及其当代启示研究”(编号:2015ZD02) 江苏省社科基金项目“经典作家历史人物评价思想及其当代价值研究”(编号:15MLB012)
【正文快照】: 中国共产党的廉政建设是毛泽东始终关注和思考的重大问题。在长期的革命斗争和社会主义建设实践中,毛泽东从理论和实践上对党的廉政建设进行了艰辛探索,形成丰富而系统的廉政建设思想。作为一位伟大的马克思主义者,毛泽东无疑从马克思主义经典著作中汲取了丰富的思想资源,为推
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