
发布时间:2018-03-24 21:25

  本文选题:马克思主义 切入点:哲学视阈 出处:《浙江工业大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:历史的车轮驶入了21世纪的第二个十年,城市交通发展所面临的问题与挑战日益严峻,交通拥堵、环境污染、能源消耗、交通事故等问题已经成为一个全球性的话题。在中国城市化、机动化快速发展的背景下,我们更应该进行深刻反思,以马克思主义哲学的方式解读城市交通管理的现实问题,以人本立场关注现实人的生存境遇,这既是破解当今城市交通管理问题的迫切需要,又是马克思主义哲学直面中国现实问题的内在要求。 本文由绪论、正文、结论三部分组成。第一章绪论大致交待了选题的背景、国内外研究现状、研究方法和逻辑结构,结论部分总结了文章的主要观点。正文从第二章开始,由四部分组成: 第二章主要从认识论的高度,分析了城市交通管理主体的认识对象、认识主体,以及城市交通管理的认识方法。第三章在详细剖析了城市交通系统和管理系统中要素的矛盾后,分析了城市交通管理中的主要矛盾、矛盾的主要方面。第四章运用马克思主义的主体性理论,阐述了认识与方法的相关性,详细剖析了城市交通管理主体认识的缺陷与管理的缺陷。第五章主要从方法论的高度,首先对城市交通管理的价值观进行了探讨,深入剖析了车本位和人本位价值观念产生的根源、现实表现,最后指出了城市交通管理的若干原则和基本方法。 本文采用多学科结合法、实证与规范结合、比较研究法、系统分析法、定性分析、例证法相结合的形式,将城市交通管理的矛盾分析、主体性分析、方法论作为研究的重点。这三部分的研究不但具有较强的理论价值,更有实际意义,为缓解大城市交通拥堵提供有力的理论基础和依据,为交通管理部门制定和实施针对性强的交通政策措施提供科学的理论指导。
[Abstract]:The wheel of history has entered the second decade of the 21st century, and the problems and challenges facing urban traffic development are becoming increasingly serious, traffic congestion, environmental pollution, energy consumption, Traffic accidents and other issues have become a global topic. With the rapid development of urbanization and motorization in China, we should reflect deeply and interpret the practical problems of urban traffic management in the way of Marxist philosophy. It is not only the urgent need to solve the problem of urban traffic management, but also the inherent requirement of Marxist philosophy to face the real problems in China. This paper consists of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The first chapter gives an overview of the background of the topic, the current research situation at home and abroad, the research methods and logical structure, and the conclusion part summarizes the main points of the article. It consists of four parts:. In the second chapter, from the perspective of epistemology, the author analyzes the object and subject of urban traffic management. The third chapter analyzes the contradiction between the urban traffic system and the elements of the management system in detail, and analyzes the main contradiction in the urban traffic management. The fourth chapter expounds the relativity between cognition and method, analyzes the defects of the subject of urban traffic management and the defect of management in detail, the fifth chapter is mainly from the perspective of methodology, the fourth chapter uses the Marxist theory of subjectivity, expounds the relativity between cognition and method, and analyzes in detail the defects of the subject of urban traffic management and the defect of management. This paper first discusses the values of urban traffic management, deeply analyzes the origin and realistic expression of the value concept of vehicle standard and human standard, and finally points out some principles and basic methods of urban traffic management. In this paper, the methods of multidisciplinary combination, empirical and normative combination, comparative research, systematic analysis, qualitative analysis, and exemplification are adopted to analyze the contradiction and subjectivity of urban traffic management. Methodology is the focus of the research. The study of these three parts not only has strong theoretical value, but also has practical significance, and provides a strong theoretical basis and basis for alleviating traffic congestion in large cities. It provides scientific theoretical guidance for traffic management departments to formulate and implement targeted traffic policies and measures.


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