本文选题:绿色发展 + 马克思主义生态观 ; 参考:《扬州大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:在全球经济一体化的世界大背景之下,全球性问题越来越严重,如:全球气候变暖、臭氧层空洞、生物多样性减少等等。中国作为世界上最大的发展中国家,也无法逃避这些问题,这些问题制约着中国未来的发展,影响着人类的生存。因此,当世界各国都开始关注这些问题时,中国当然也不能例外。此时,“绿色发展”的出现为社会提供了一个新的发展战略。绿色发展是人类文明发展的高级形态,是中国在应对全球化问题和后金融危机时代抢占国际竞争力的必选之路。 本文主要分为四大部分: 第一部分,阐述绿色发展的背景以及研究概况。世界文明在经过了农业文明之后迎来了工业文明,世界经济得到了快速增长的同时人类也付出了惨痛的代价:全球性问题愈来愈严重,且呈现出复杂多样性,人类的生存和发展受到了威胁。各国政府、专家学者开始意识到单单地追求经济的增长是不可行的,人类必须寻求一条新的路子,那就是实行绿色发展。 第二部分,绿色发展的提出和内涵。面对全球性问题的挑战,低碳经济、循环经济、绿色经济等词逐一出现在我们眼前。近年来,又有人进一步提出绿色发展。所谓绿色发展,就是以人民幸福、社会公平为旨归的,强调经济发展与保护环境相统一的全面协调可持续的发展。 第三部分,绿色发展的理论溯源和实践探索。绿色发展继承和发展了马克思主义的生态理论,马克思主义主张人与自然要协调发展,并提出只有在共产主义时期才能真正实现人与自然、人与人的和解。在中国传统文化中,许多思想者提出“天人合一”的思想,认为人与自然应该统一发展。新中国成立以来,中国共产党人充分认识到环境保护的重要性,将其放到社会建设中去,这些为中国践行绿色发展提供了丰富的实践经验。 第四部分,绿色发展的价值目标和实现路径。绿色发展的最终价值目标是建设幸福民生,为了实现这一目标,我们要发挥主观能动性,从强化理念、健全法制完善机制、转变经济发展方式、促进国际交流等方面着手,坚持走绿色发展道路。
[Abstract]:In the context of global economic integration, global problems are becoming more and more serious, such as global warming, hole in the ozone layer, loss of biodiversity and so on. As the largest developing country in the world, China can not escape these problems, which restrict the future development of China and affect the survival of mankind. So when the world starts to focus on these issues, China is no exception. At this time, the emergence of "green development" for the society to provide a new development strategy. Green development is the advanced form of the development of human civilization. It is the inevitable choice for China to seize the international competitiveness in the era of globalization and post-financial crisis. This paper is divided into four parts: The first part describes the background and research situation of green development. The world civilization has welcomed the industrial civilization after the agricultural civilization, while the world economy has gained rapid growth, and mankind has also paid a heavy price: the global problems are becoming more and more serious, and they are showing complexity and diversity. The survival and development of mankind are threatened. Governments, experts and scholars are beginning to realize that it is not feasible to pursue economic growth alone, and that human beings must find a new way to implement green development. The second part, the proposal and connotation of green development. Facing the challenge of global problems, low-carbon economy, circular economy, green economy and so on appear in front of our eyes one by one. In recent years, some people further put forward green development. The so-called green development is a comprehensive and sustainable development with the aim of people's happiness and social equity, emphasizing the unity of economic development and environmental protection. The third part, the theory and practice of green development. Green development inherits and develops Marxist ecological theory. Marxism advocates harmonious development between man and nature, and puts forward that only in the communist period can the reconciliation between man and nature be realized. In Chinese traditional culture, many thinkers put forward the idea of "the unity of nature and man", and thought that man and nature should develop in unity. Since the founding of New China, Chinese Communists have fully realized the importance of environmental protection and put it into social construction, which has provided rich practical experience for China to practice green development. The fourth part, the value goal and realization path of green development. The ultimate value goal of green development is to build a happy people's livelihood. In order to achieve this goal, we should give full play to our subjective initiative and start from strengthening the concept, perfecting the legal system, changing the mode of economic development, and promoting international exchanges. Adhere to the road of green development.
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