本文选题:公平 + 分配公平 ; 参考:《河南师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:目前,社会分配问题已成为社会发展转型过程中日益凸显和深化的综合综合性问题。分配公平既是社会主义的本质要求,也是社会主义和谐社会建立的内在要求、基础和途径。脱离了分配公平来谈论和谐社会建设,无异于缘木求鱼。解决财富的分配不公已成为和谐社会建设过程中不可回避的一个重大问题。从现实状况来看,在社会转型过程中,人们对社会财富分配不公的不满情绪的强化,已对社会的和谐稳定构成了现实的危险;从已有研究来看,分配公平的研究中缺少对和谐社会的关注,尤其是对分配问题在和谐社会建设中的重要性认识不足,研究不够。因而,如何实现分配公平是一个亟需积极探索和研究的重要课题。它不仅可以为和谐社会的实现提供一个现实的路径,使社会财富的分配能够在各利益群体之间获得平衡,也能够使改革的利益真正惠及到每一个人。对于一个政府来说,在市场机制的作用之外对社会财富进行调节以实现社会的公平正义是其难以推卸的责任。通过对分配公平问题的研究,将进一步强化政府对于该问题重要性的自觉意识和自觉行动。 本文在结构上共分为六大部分,,分别对研究的具体概况,分配公平的内涵,分配公平与和谐社会的关系,分配不公问题的表现、成因、消极影响,分配公平的实现途径等进行了论述。 第一部分为导论,具体针对本研究的选题缘由、研究意义、研究现状、问题和本研究所使用的研究方法进行了说明。 第二部分对分配公平的内涵进行了探究。首先对公平的定义进行了考察,分析了公平的三种理解:一是公正、不偏不倚;二是对一切有关的人公正、平等的对待;三是指合理。在此基础上,结合已有的研究总结了公平的内涵:人身平等、机会均等和结果均等。该部分对何为分配,何为分配公平以及分配公平的原则进行了论述。对分配三种类型:一次分配、二次分配和三次分配进行了简要说明,对不同理论下的分配公平观进行了解释,指出了分配公平所应坚持的三个原则。 第三部分重点论述了分配公平与和谐社会的关系。这部分首先讨论了和谐社会的内涵,接着的论述针对分配公平对和谐社会所具有的作用展开。分配公平是和谐社会的重要内容,是和谐社会建设中重要部分,它属于社会公平正义的范畴,并且是这一范畴中最核心的因素。和谐社会不是社会某一方面的和谐,而是包含了政治、经济、文化、环境等各个层面的和谐,它是一个系统工程,而社会财富的公平分配显然属于这一系统工程之内。分配公平还是和谐社会的内在要求,和谐社会从表面上看是要求消除社会矛盾,而从其内部来看则是对社会公平正义的要求,是对一个国家发展中呈现问题的深度解读,是对社会发展各个层面的内在规范和要求。一个不注重分配公平的社会,其社会内部的利益分配将会呈现出极大的不平衡,这会造成某些阶层财富大量增加,另一些阶层却收入微薄,从而使内在矛盾被激化,引起社会的动荡,危及到和谐社会的建设。 第四部分对我国分配不公的表现、成因和负面影响进行了深入分析。分配公平的测度需要一个标准,但是单一的标准又很难对分配是否公平给予全面的测度,因而在标准的选取上本文采用了是否体现生产资料所有者的利益和符合该种生产关系的分配原则;获得收入的机会是否均等;是否有利于社会的安定团结。此外,在以上标准外本文还结合了国际上通用的基尼系数来量化地反映分配问题。研究显示,目前我国分配不公具体表现在行业之间、地区之间以及城乡之间的差距过大。具体上说,行业分配不公是由行业垄断、官员腐败以及违法犯法等原因造成的,地区之间的分配不公是由体制性、政策性、区位本身以及人们观念等因素造成的,而城乡之间的分配不公则是由城乡二元结构,尤其是城乡户籍制度的阻隔造成的。分配不公对和谐社会的建设构成了威胁,具体来说,它导致了人们对政府的不满,阶层之间的对立和经济发展中的各种问题。 第五部分讨论了和谐社会下分配公平的实现途径。结合文中对分配不公问题的分析,该部分从六个方面讨论了实现分配公平的路径,分别为改革垄断行业、实现理性增资;取缔非法收入,加强对财富收入的监督;推进社会保障,实现政府托底;加强税费改革,防止两极分化;加快区域之间的协调发展;破除呈现二元结构。
[Abstract]:At present, the problem of social distribution has become a comprehensive and comprehensive problem which is becoming increasingly prominent and deepened in the process of social development and transformation. Distribution fairness is both the essential requirement of socialism and the inherent requirement, foundation and way of building a harmonious socialist society. The unfairness of the distribution of wealth has become an unavoidable problem in the process of building a harmonious society. In reality, in the process of social transformation, people's dissatisfaction with the unfairness of the distribution of social wealth has formed a real danger to the social harmony and stability. Less attention to the harmonious society, especially the importance of the importance of distribution in the construction of a harmonious society is insufficient, and the research is not enough. Therefore, how to realize the distribution fairness is an important subject which needs to be actively explored and studied. It can not only provide a realistic path for the realization of a harmonious society, but also enable the distribution of social wealth to be able to be distributed in a harmonious society. For a government, it is the responsibility of a government to adjust social wealth to realize social fairness and justice outside the role of market mechanism. Through the study of the issue of distributive equity, the government will further strengthen the government. The consciousness of the importance of the problem and the conscious action of the problem.
This article is divided into six parts in the structure, including the specific situation of the study, the connotation of equitable distribution, the relationship between the distribution of fair and the harmonious society, the expression of the problem of unfair distribution, the cause of cause, the negative influence, the realization of the distribution of justice and so on.
The first part is an introduction, which specifically explains the reasons, significance, current situation, problems and the research methods used in this study.
The second part explores the connotation of distributive justice. First, it examines the definition of equity and analyzes three kinds of fair understanding: one is fairness and impartiality; two is fair and equal treatment of all related people; three is reasonable. On this basis, the connotation of equity is summed up in combination with the previous studies: personal equality, Equal opportunities and equal results. The part of the distribution of the allocation, what is the principle of distribution fairness and the principle of distribution fairness. The three types of distribution: one distribution, two distribution and three distribution are briefly explained, the concept of distribution fairness under different theories is explained, and three sources of distribution fairness should be pointed out. Then.
The third part focuses on the relationship between the distribution fairness and the harmonious society. This part first discusses the connotation of the harmonious society, and then discusses the role of the distribution fairness in the harmonious society. The distribution fairness is an important part of the harmonious society, is an important part of the harmonious society, and it belongs to the category of social fairness and justice. And it is the most important factor in this category. A harmonious society is not a harmony in one aspect of the society, but a harmony in all levels of politics, economy, culture and environment. It is a systematic project, and the fair distribution of social wealth is clearly within the process of the system. On the surface, a harmonious society requires the elimination of social contradictions, and from its internal view it is a requirement for social fairness and justice. It is a deep interpretation of the problems presented in the development of a country. It is an internal standard and requirement for all levels of social development. A society that does not pay attention to the distribution of fairness will be presented in the social interests. There is a great imbalance, which will lead to a large increase in the wealth of some classes, and the other classes have a small income, which can cause the internal contradictions to be intensified, the social turbulence and the construction of a harmonious society.
The fourth part makes an in-depth analysis of the manifestations, causes and negative effects of the unfair distribution of our country. The measure of distribution fairness requires a standard, but it is difficult to give a comprehensive measure of whether the distribution is fair. The principle of distribution of relations of production; the equality of access to income; whether it is conducive to social stability and unity. In addition, this paper also combines the international general Gini coefficient to quantify the distribution problem. In particular, the unfair distribution of industry is caused by industry monopoly, official corruption and illegal offense. The unfair distribution between regions is caused by institutional, policy, location and people's concept, while the unfairness between urban and rural is two yuan structure in urban and rural areas, especially urban and rural household registration. As a result of the barrier of system, unfair distribution poses a threat to the construction of a harmonious society. In particular, it leads to people's dissatisfaction with the government, the opposition between classes and various problems in economic development.
The fifth part discusses the way to realize the distributive equity in a harmonious society. In the light of the analysis of the problem of unfair distribution in the article, this part discusses the path to realize the fair distribution from six aspects, which are to reform the monopoly industry, realize rational increase of capital, eliminate illegal income, strengthen the supervision of wealth income, promote social security and realize political affairs. To strengthen the tax and fee reform, prevent polarization, speed up the coordinated development between regions, and eliminate the two element structure.
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