本文选题:异化 + 马克思哲学 ; 参考:《哈尔滨师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:劳动是人类“有目的的活动”。自从人类诞生以来,劳动就是人类生活的基础。人只有在劳动中才能充分发挥自己的潜能,发挥自己的聪明才智,才能得到真正的自由。劳动与一定的社会生产关系紧密相联,在私有制条件下,对立的社会关系和社会状态,产生了“异化劳动”,人们创造出来的产品总是与人的主观愿望相背离,成为与人对立的异己力量。 资本主义条件下的异化劳动使劳动者的劳动和他的劳动产品相异化、和他的劳动活动相异化、和他的类本质相异化、劳动者人与人的关系相异化,对异化的扬弃只有通过共产主义的实现才能完成,扬弃异化劳动必须消灭资本主义私有制。社会主义以公有制为主体、人民当家作主的生产关系,为“和谐劳动”的构建创造了必要的条件。在实行社会主义市场经济体制的社会主义初级阶段,可以通过构建和谐的劳动关系来构建和谐劳动。 在一定历史条件下,社会关系的性质是取决于劳动关系的性质的,劳动关系是否和谐直接关系到社会和谐与否。以和谐稳定的劳动关系为基础,产生的是和谐正义的社会;在对抗冲突的劳动关系之上,产生的只能是矛盾冲突的社会关系。所以,构建和谐劳动是关系到我国和谐社会建设的重要问题,具有相当的紧迫性和重要性。 本文一共分为四个部分:第一部分为绪论部分,主要介绍了本文的研究目的、研究背景、研究意义及国内外研究现状;第二部分介绍了和谐劳动理论来源,和谐劳动理论来源于马克思的异化劳动理论,对于异化劳动理论的扬弃是和谐劳动观的理论来源,交代了全文的理论背景;第三部分通过对和谐劳动观内涵的解释,树立起和谐的劳动观,先在理论层面上构建出和谐社会下的和谐劳动;第四部分从马克思的异化劳动理论出发,以和谐劳动观为理论基础,指出当代中国社会主义和谐劳动构建的基本途径。
[Abstract]:Labor is the "purposeful activity" of human beings. Since the birth of mankind, labor has been the foundation of human life. Only in labor can a man bring his potential into full play, his intelligence, and his true freedom. Labor is closely related to certain social relations of production. Under the condition of private ownership, the opposite social relations and social states produce "alienated labor". The products created by people are always contrary to people's subjective wishes. To become a dissident force against others. The alienation of labor under the condition of capitalism dissimilates the laborer's labor with his labor products, his labor activities, his essence and the relationship between laborer and human. The sublation of alienation can only be accomplished through the realization of communism, and the sublation of alienated labor must eliminate capitalist private ownership. The socialist relations of production in which the public ownership is the main body and the people are the masters create the necessary conditions for the construction of "harmonious labor". In the primary stage of socialist market economy, harmonious labor can be constructed by constructing harmonious labor relations. Under certain historical conditions, the nature of social relations depends on the nature of labor relations, and whether labor relations are harmonious or not is directly related to social harmony or not. On the basis of harmonious and stable labor relations, it produces a harmonious and just society, and on the basis of the labor relations against conflicts, it can only produce contradictory and conflicting social relations. Therefore, the construction of harmonious labor is an important issue related to the construction of a harmonious society in China, which is of considerable urgency and importance. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part is the introduction part, mainly introduces the research purpose, the research background, the research significance and the domestic and foreign research present situation; the second part introduces the harmonious labor theory origin, The theory of harmonious labor comes from Marx's theory of alienated labor, the sublation of the theory of alienation of labor is the theoretical source of the concept of harmonious labor, and the theoretical background of the full text is explained; the third part explains the connotation of the concept of harmonious labor. The fourth part starts from Marx's alienation labor theory and takes the harmonious labor view as the theoretical basis. This paper points out the basic ways of constructing harmonious labor of socialism in contemporary China.
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