
发布时间:2018-06-23 03:28

  本文选题:马克思 + 列宁 ; 参考:《苏州大学》2013年博士论文

【摘要】:劳动问题是马克思主义理论的核心问题,劳动既是马克思唯物史观的逻辑起点,也是马克思政治经济学的的立论基石。马克思的两个划时代的伟大发现,“唯物史观”与“剩余价值理论”都是建立在其劳动学说的基础之上的。以劳动为轴心,便能将马克思主义哲学、政治经济学、科学社会主义贯通。 第一章主要对马克思劳动思想的内涵作出分析。探讨了异化劳动概念提出的时代背景、原因,在资本主义社会的表现及其后果,分析异化劳动产生的根源,提出异化劳动的理论指向是科学社会主义理论。分析了生产劳动是人类历史的起点,生产劳动是生产力的根本动力,生产劳动在人类社会生活中的前提地位决定了劳动者在社会中的主导地位,,马克思在生产劳动的理论路向上是最终建立了唯物史观。揭示了雇佣劳动是马克思为了揭示资本剥削的秘密而提出的,因此,雇佣劳动在理论指向上是马克思剩余价值理论。 “异化劳动”、“生产劳动”、“雇佣劳动”是研究马克思劳动思想的三个维度。异化劳动是研究生产劳动的前提,是研究雇佣劳动的逻辑起点。三个维度分别指向了马克思学说的三个重要组成部分,即科学社会主义、马克思主义哲学和政治经济学。三个维度还反映了马克思劳动学说发展阶段的划分。 第二章主要是分析列宁的劳动思想。列宁认为农业机器的使用,大部分农民成为雇佣工人,而随着机器以及改良工具在农业中大规模使用,俄国的农业工役制也被农业资本主义的雇佣劳动制度所取代。列宁关于农民成为雇佣工人的论述,实际上是指明了工人与农民之间的天然联系,最终将工人与农民相结合,走工农联盟的革命道路。列宁还针对资本主义社会出现的机器化大生产以及带来的垄断,提出了劳动社会化的理论,并由此提出关于帝国主义的理论等一系列新观点。 第三章主要论述马列劳动思想是近代中国寻求正确革命道路的理论指南。近代中国,反对帝国主义的殖民掠夺和封建主义的残酷压迫成为时代的迫切要求。中国人民经过艰苦探索,最终选择了以革命作为解决中国社会矛盾问题的唯一路径。虽然资产阶级民主革命推翻了清政府,但却并不能救中国。中国革命只有在马克思列宁劳动思想的指引下,才能回答革命的一系列基本理论问题,最终找到正确的革命道路,即走社会主义的道路。马列劳动思想是中国最终走向社会主义道路的理论指南。 第四章主要内容是对中国共产党创始人李大钊和陈独秀对马列劳动思想的继承与发展作出描述。他们是对马列劳动思想传播与运用的先驱。李大钊的成就主要表现在:接受马克思的雇佣劳动学说,强调阶级斗争,为中国革命作理论准备;介绍并宣传马克思剩余价值论,从经济角度探索阶级斗争的根源;以马克思劳动思想为武器,实际发动并领导工人运动;李大钊还是党内最早注意农民问题,重视搞农民运动的领导人。陈独秀也是早期继承与发展马克思劳动思想的代表人物,他的贡献主要表现在:运用马克思关于劳动者地位的论述,启发劳动者认识自身的社会地位;运用马克思剩余价值理论,剖析劳工受剥削的根源;运用马克思批判雇佣劳动制度的观点,主张废除私有制等等。 第五章主要内容是瞿秋白和邓中夏对马列劳动思想的继承与发展。他们代表着对马列劳动思想早期传播和运用的重要探索阶段。瞿秋白认为中国的革命问题,归根到底是劳动问题,他把劳动问题放置于帝国主义殖民侵略的背景下来认识的,认为解决中国的劳动问题实质是整个中华民族反殖民、反帝国主义的问题。瞿秋白注意团结知识分子、小资产阶级一起进行革命。对如何做工人运动,瞿秋白更注重工人阶级在革命斗争中掌握领导权。邓中夏对马列劳动思想的贡献表现在:他认识到工人是生产劳动的主力,而财富却被资本家剥夺,因而鼓动工人起来进行经济斗争;邓中夏特别注意工人在政治上的权益保护,呼吁给予工人以各项自由权利,并通过组织工会来实现。因此,邓中夏还是工会的杰出领导人,对工会的建设与发展作出了卓越的贡献。 第六章的内容主要是两位农民运动的杰出领导人毛泽东和彭湃对马列劳动思想的继承与发展。以他们为代表的一批中国共产党人在实践中将马列劳动思想与中国革命实际相结合,探索出了一条正确的革命道路,并形成了一系列的正确理论。毛泽东系统总结了农民问题是中国革命的核心问题这一重要理论,指出农民才是军阀的经济来源,从而在经济上确定农民在革命中的主体地位。毛泽东还认识到土地问题是农民解放的根本问题。彭湃认识到,要让农民觉醒,必须要让农民了解自己受苦受难的经济根源。他认为中国的农民阶级从事革命比工人阶级有独特的优势。彭湃注意到农民由于居住比较分散,要发动农民起来革命,必须要建立农会。彭湃重视培训农民运动骨干,开办广州农民运动讲习所。彭湃的许多关于农民运动与农民革命的思想,经过毛泽东的创造性发挥之后,成为中国革命的指导纲领。
[Abstract]:Labor is the core of the theory of Marx's doctrine. Labor is the logical starting point of Marx's historical materialism and the cornerstone of Marx's political economics. The two great discoveries of Marx's epoch-making, "historical materialism" and "surplus value theory" are built on the basis of his labor theory. The axis can connect Marx's philosophy, political economics and scientific socialism.
The first chapter mainly analyzes the connotation of Marx's labor thought, discusses the era background of the concept of alienated labor, reasons, the manifestations and consequences of the capitalist society, analyses the origin of the alienated labor, and points out that the theory of alienated labor is the theory of scientific society and the theory of human history. Point, the productive labor is the fundamental motive force of the productive forces. The precondition of the productive labor in human social life determines the leading position of the laborers in the society. Marx has finally established the materialist conception of history in the theory of productive labor. It reveals that the employment labor is Marx's secret to reveal the exploitation of capital. In terms of theory, wage labor is Marx's theory of surplus value.
"Alienated labor", "productive labor" and "employment labor" are the three dimensions to study Marx's labor thought. The alienated labor is the prerequisite for the study of productive labor and the logical starting point for the study of employment labor. The three dimensions point to the three important components of the theory of Marx, namely, scientific socialism, Marx philosophy and Political economics. The three dimension also reflects the division of the development stages of Marx's labor theory.
The second chapter mainly analyzes Lenin's labor thought. Lenin believes that the use of agricultural machinery, most of the farmers become hired workers, and with the large-scale use of machines and improved tools in agriculture, Russian agricultural service system is also replaced by the employment system of agricultural capitalism. Lenin's discussion about farmers as employed workers In fact, it indicates the natural connection between the workers and the peasants, and eventually combines the workers with the peasants and takes the revolutionary road of the alliance of workers and peasants. Lenin also puts forward the theory of labor socialization, and puts forward a series of new theories about imperialism in view of the big mechanized production and the monopoly brought about by the capitalist society. Point of view.
The third chapter mainly discusses that the Marxist Leninist labor thought is the theoretical guide for modern China to seek the right way of the revolution. In modern China, the imperialist colonial plunder and the cruel oppression of feudalism became the urgent demands of the times. After the hard exploration, the Chinese people finally chose to take the life as the sole solution to the problems of social contradictions in China. Although the bourgeois democratic revolution overthrew the Qing government, it could not save China. Only under the guidance of Marx and Lenin's labor thought can the Chinese revolution answer a series of basic theoretical problems of the revolution and finally find the right way of revolution, that is, the road of socialism. A theoretical guide to the road of doctrine.
The fourth chapter is the main content of the Chinese Communist Party founder Li Dazhao and Chen Duxiu to describe the inheritance and development of Marxism Leninism labor thought. They are the pioneers of the dissemination and application of Marxism Leninist labor thought. Li Dazhao's achievements are mainly as follows: accepting Marx's theory of employment, emphasizing class struggle and making the theory of Chinese revolution To introduce and propagate Marx's theory of surplus value, to explore the root of class struggle from the economic point of view; to start and lead the movement of workers with Marx's labor thought as a weapon; Li Dazhao is the first to pay attention to the peasant problem and the leader of the peasant movement. Chen Duxiu is also the early inheritance and development of Marx's labor thought. The representative figures, his contributions are as follows: using Marx's discussion on the status of labourers, enlightening workers to understand their social status, using Marx's theory of surplus value, analyzing the root of the exploitation of labor, using Marx to criticize the employment system, and advocating the abolition of private ownership and so on.
The fifth chapter is the main content of Qu Qiubai and Deng Zhongxia's inheritance and development of Marxist Leninist labor thought. They represent the important exploration stage of the early dissemination and application of Marxism Leninist labor thought. Qu Qiubai believes that the issue of revolution in China is, in the final analysis, the problem of labor. He put the labor problem on the background of imperialist colonial aggression. Understanding the problem of solving China's labor problems is essentially the problem of anti colonialism and anti imperialism of the whole Chinese nation. Qu Qiubai pays attention to the unity of intellectuals and the small bourgeoisie in the revolution. How to do the worker movement, Qu Qiubai pays more attention to the leadership of the working class in the revolutionary struggle. Deng Zhongxia's contribution to the labor ideology of Marxism Leninism. He realized that he realized that workers were the main force of productive labor, and that wealth was deprived by capitalists, and thus encouraged workers to fight for economic struggle; Deng Zhongxia paid special attention to the protection of workers' political rights and interests, appealed to the workers for all their free rights and was realized through the organization of trade unions. Therefore, Deng Zhongxia was the outstanding leader of the trade union. Guiding people has made outstanding contributions to the construction and development of trade unions.
The content of the sixth chapter is mainly the inheritance and development of Mao Zedong and Peng Pai, the outstanding leaders of the two peasants' movement. A group of Chinese Communists, represented by the Chinese Communists, have combined mariner's labor ideology with the reality of the Chinese revolution in practice, exploring a correct revolutionary road and forming a series of positive ways. The Mao Zedong system summed up the important theory that the peasant problem is the core of the Chinese revolution. It points out that the peasants are the economic sources of the warlords and thus determine the main position of the peasants in the revolution. Mao Zedong also recognizes that the land problem is the fundamental problem of the liberation of the peasants. In order to allow farmers to understand the economic roots of their suffering and suffering, he believes that the Chinese peasantry has a unique advantage over the working class. Peng Pai noted that farmers must set up a peasant association because of the decentralization of the farmers, and must establish a peasant association. Peng Pai paid attention to training the backbone of farmers' movement and opened the Guangzhou peasant movement workshop. Peng Peng. Many thoughts about peasant movement and peasant revolution, after Mao Zedong's creative exertion, became the guiding principle of the Chinese revolution.


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