[Abstract]:From 1978 to 1992, the Communist Party of China reperceived, valued and positioned the traditional culture, which made it realize the milestone transformation from breaking to building in the construction of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics. From the concept of culture, this paper explains what is culture, what is Chinese traditional culture, what is Chinese excellent traditional culture, and points out the traditional culture mentioned in this paper. On the basis of clarifying the concept of traditional culture, this paper reviews the vertical historical development process of the Chinese Communist Party's understanding and policy of traditional culture from 1921 to 1978. Then it systematically combs the historical facts of the Chinese Communist Party's understanding of traditional culture and its policy from 1978 to 1992. From 1978 to 1979, it walked out of the "Cultural Revolution" and suffered from the "Cultural Revolution" for ten years, thus breaking through the long darkness. Looking forward to the bright arrival of 1979-1981, when the dawn first appeared, the Central Committee of the Party called for the integration of the study of Marxism-Leninism and the study of cultural heritage. To elevate the study of traditional culture to a position of equal importance as that of studying Marxism-Leninism. It was difficult to move forward, "to resist the influence of decadent bourgeois thought and feudal remnant thought", became the main melody at this time, and the Party's understanding of traditional culture in that period was quite contradictory. On the one hand, we affirm the positive role of traditional culture, on the other hand, we resist the feudal culture and the ideological pollution of the Western bourgeoisie. We should carry forward and carry forward the fine ideological and cultural traditions of the Chinese nation and become the main cultural policy of our country. From the historical facts of the Party's understanding of traditional culture and policy, this paper summarizes the inherent logic and characteristics of Chinese Communist Party's understanding and policy on traditional culture. In this historical period, the Communist Party of China's understanding and policy towards traditional culture in general is critical inheritance, but at different stages, it has its own emphasis, either criticizing and inheriting in parallel, or creating in the process of critical inheritance. Or reviving and developing in critical inheritance. In the internal logical relationship of the spiral rise of critical inheritance and development, the author concludes that in this period, the Communist Party of China's understanding of the traditional culture and the characteristics of the performance of the policy, the party's understanding of the status of traditional culture is increasing. The Party's understanding of the outstanding content of traditional culture is increasing day by day, and the Party's understanding of the role of traditional culture is gradually improved. A re-examination of this historical process can help us understand the evolution of the Party's policy towards traditional culture in this period, draw the Party's understanding of traditional culture and its experience and enlightenment, carry forward the excellent traditional culture, and promote the strategic position of the powerful nation. Persist in correctly leading traditional culture with Marxism, criticizing and inheriting traditional culture, and carrying forward in criticism. Since the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) for more than 90 years, the CPC has been devoting itself to the criticism, transformation, inheritance, promotion, creative transformation and innovative development of traditional culture. This historical process has proved time and again that whenever we correctly understand traditional culture, and inherit and carry forward it scientifically and rationally, our revolution and construction will win, and any understanding of traditional culture will be biased or too much negated. We will make mistakes and go astray in our revolution and construction.
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