[Abstract]:Youth is a special social group with the most vigor and vitality, the most revolutionary and creative, and a special force to determine the future of the country and the future destiny of the nation. As a great Marxist, Mao Zedong has always paid attention to the youth problem and paid great attention to the youth growth and talent. In the long practice of Chinese revolution and social construction, Mao Zedong's youth thought, which is rich in connotation, has been gradually formed. Mao Zedong's youth thought is a systematic and scientific ideological and theoretical system formed by Mao Zedong's series of speeches, talks, letters, expositions, and important documents on youth and youth work. It is the product of the combination of Marxism-Leninist youth thought and Chinese revolution and construction practice, and the inheritance and development of Marxism-Leninist youth thought. The study of Mao Zedong's youth thought is of great importance to guiding young people to grow up and to carry out their work smoothly and to train the builders and successors necessary for the socialist modernization drive. It is of great theoretical value and practical significance to further promote the realization of a well-off society in an all-round way and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Mao Zedong's youth thought was gradually formed in the course of Mao Zedong's practice during the period of revolution and construction in China. In addition to the specific background, its formation was influenced by individual factors and was mainly influenced by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and other Marxism-Leninist researchers inspired and absorbed the essence of Chinese traditional excellent ideology and culture. The formation of Mao Zedong's youth thought has its own special development process. It sprouted in the early 20th century, formed in the 1930s and 40s, matured in the 1950s, and was synchronized with the times and enriched and perfected in practice. Mao Zedong's exposition on youth and youth work mainly involves the characteristics, role and status of youth, youth education, youth use, youth movement, youth development and youth work. Mao Zedong's youth thought has important theoretical value and practical significance. In terms of theoretical value, Mao Zedong's youth thought inherits and develops Marxist-Leninist youth thought, which provides an important theoretical source for Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping's youth thought. It provides a scientific guide for the development of young people in the new period, a ideological weapon for doing a good job in youth work, and a theoretical guide for carrying out research on youth and youth work.
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