[Abstract]:Capital is the foundation of the development of modern society. It promotes the development of production and brings double effects to the free and all-round development of human beings. Marx's critique theory of capital is based on the critique of theory and reality, capital and philosophy. He analyzes the intrinsic essence of capital from the angle of economics and from the standpoint of philosophy. How to treat human development from the angle of capital is an important theme of Marx's philosophy of capital. This requires us to maintain a clear attitude in the relationship between capital and human development: to maintain the tension between "development capital" and "limited capital", and to strive to promote the free and comprehensive development of human beings in the middle of this tension. It is of great practical significance to further study Marx's theory of capital philosophy for enriching and perfecting Marx's thoughts on human development. The frame structure of this paper is based on the above theoretical considerations. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the thesis is divided into five chapters: the first chapter discusses the civilized role of capital on human development. In this chapter, based on the different understanding of capital between Marx and Western economists, the author expounds Marx's theory of capital and its intrinsic essence, and points out that capital has the practical function of promoting human development. It is helpful to realize the free and all-round development of human beings. The second chapter discusses the historical limitations of capital and the limitations of human development. In this chapter, based on Marx's critique theory of capital, through the boundary of capital movement, the emptiness and materialization of man under the capitalist mode of production, the limitation of the function of capital civilization and so on are analyzed in detail. This paper expounds the limitation of capital in order to reveal the negative effect of capital on human development. The third chapter discusses the limitations of sublation of capital and the way of human liberation. In this chapter, three specific forms of Marx's self-sublation of capital are elaborated. In view of the limitation of capital, reformism put forward different strategies, but with the outbreak of economic crisis, these strategies were quickly proved to fail. Marx realized that we must make the alienation of human nature and the elimination of private property through the means of revolution so as to provide rich political and material economic basis for the free and all-round development of human beings. The fourth chapter discusses the new mode of production and the way of human liberation. In this chapter, Marx points out the consciousness of labor to capital exploitation under capitalist mode of production, and at the same time, universal labor and rational labor also provide social and scientific conditions for the new mode of production. The replacement of a partial individual by a comprehensive individual led to a new kind of production, in which the Communists became a "free man." The fifth chapter discusses the capital economy and human development in the socialist society. In this chapter, the concept of capital economy is analyzed, and there is capital economy in the socialist society, which requires us to develop the market economy at the same time under the guidance of "people-oriented" scientific development view. Rational utilization and control of capital economy indicate the way and correct direction for the free and all-round development of human beings.
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