
发布时间:2018-11-20 17:50
[Abstract]:Material life and spiritual life constitute the main content of human life. Material life provides people with the material basis for survival and development. As a unique way of existence, spiritual life is an important symbol of the difference between human beings and other animals. Whether has the positive healthy spiritual life, directly affects a person's own development. With the development of social economy and the satisfaction of people's material needs, excessive dependence on material has led to the phenomena of loss and emptiness in people's spiritual life. Social harmony and the progress of human civilization have had a negative impact. Therefore, how to solve the loss of human spiritual life and build a harmonious spiritual life has become a very important research value. In view of this problem, this paper mainly discusses from three aspects on the basis of summarizing the existing research results. The first part expounds the basic connotation of material life and spiritual life, the characteristics and functions of spiritual life, and the dialectical relationship between material life and spiritual life. Material life is the basis for the development and development of spiritual life, and spiritual life is inherently transcendent and superior to the unique way of human life, scientific culture, moral and legal system. Values and other contents belong to the category of spiritual life. People's spiritual life is characterized by objective conditions, subjective selectivity, social historicity and diversity. Spiritual life is not only restricted by material life, but also surmounted by material life. The development of interaction. Spiritual life also plays an important role in promoting the overall development of mankind. The second part expounds the materialization of modern human spiritual life due to the influence of material interests and excessive dependence on material life, the lack of social public morality, and the prevalence of individualism. A series of phenomena, such as the loss of culture and belief, are analyzed, and the causes of this series of lost phenomena in human spiritual life are analyzed. The third part is the significance and approach of constructing healthy, harmonious and orderly human spiritual life. To overcome the obstacles caused by the worship of utilitarianism, the over-dependence on material and the lack of public morality on the road of construction, and to promote the all-round development of people through the promotion of education at the moral, belief and cultural levels. Improve the realm of human spirit, perfect the world of human spirit, and promote human spiritual life.


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