[Abstract]:With the rapid development of industry, science and technology, and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, natural environment and ecology have become the focus of people's attention day by day. Through his own practice, man has constantly reformed nature, demanded nature, and critically inherited the traditional western view of nature, especially the unprecedented changes to nature, and at the same time has also caused serious damage to our living environment. The thinkers of different times are also dealing with the relationship between man and nature in different ways. Marx's view of nature transcends Feuerbach's and Hegel's view of nature, which can be said to be a fundamental change in the view of nature. It points out the direction for building a harmonious society. The relationship between man and nature is the main content of the study of the view of nature. The main cause of eco-environmental crisis is the failure to deal with the relationship between man and nature. Under the increasingly prominent situation of ecological environment crisis, Marx's view of nature instructs us how to coordinate the relationship between man and nature and how to follow the road of sustainable development. At first, the ability of human beings to understand nature is the result of human being's transformation of nature, and then it becomes the premise and motive force of human being's further transformation of nature. Only by correctly understanding the laws of nature can we better transform nature. In the process of material transformation between man and nature, human influence on nature can be divided into two major aspects: one is the natural resources in nature; the other is the discharge of all kinds of waste into nature. The former caused a shortage of natural resources; the latter caused damage to the natural environment. This requires us to deal well with the relationship between man and nature. On the basis of reading Schmidt's Marx's concept of Nature and the manuscript of Economics and philosophy of 1844, this paper combines theory with practice, history and logic in principle. This paper combs the historical development process of Marx's view of nature, and on this basis, expounds the theoretical source of Marx's view of nature in detail. It further discusses the basic meaning and characteristics of Marx's view of nature. Marx's view of nature provides us with important enlightenment for us to deal with the relationship between man and nature correctly, and also points out the way forward for us to construct ecological civilization.
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