本文关键词: 中央党 重庆医药 工作设想 基层组织 教育示范基地 中心工作 地方党委政府 技术服务站 服务中心 高等专科学校 出处:《人口与计划生育》2016年08期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the work meeting of the CPC Central Committee, we are studying and solving the new situation and new problems facing the development of the Family Planning Association. The investigation and research group of the China Family Planning Association went to Shanxi Province and Chongqing Municipality to carry out research and investigation. The investigation and research group held a forum at the provincial level and a forum at the grass-roots level at the county and township levels. They listened to the reports of the two provinces on the implementation of the spirit of the work meeting of the CPC Central Committee's masses and regiments, the difficulties in their work, and their plans for future work. The special family support project of family planning in Changzhi city of Shanxi province, the home care service center of the special family support project, the home care center of warm and Yangyang community in Jiangbei district of Chongqing, and the demonstration base of youth health education of Chongqing medical college were investigated on the spot.
【作者单位】: 中国计生协调研组;
【正文快照】: 4深入贯彻落实中央党的群团工作联合印发了疾于切实发挥计划生育协资源,运用项目管理的科学方法,深 会议精神,研究解决计生协事业发展中面临的新情况新问题,中国计生协调研组赴山西省和重庆市进行了工作调研。调研组通过召开省级座谈会、县乡基层座谈会等形式,重点听取了两
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