本文关键词: 全面二孩政策 生育抉择 个人因素 家庭因素 社会因素 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:As a basic national policy, every adjustment of reproductive policy will have a certain impact on the family. The introduction of the "comprehensive two-child" policy is no exception. This paper is in this context to explore what choices will be made by families of childbearing age and the factors that affect their choices. Interviews were conducted on two different types of families from double non-family and non-double-non-family, and the data obtained from the interviews were coded and analyzed. The first one is the individual factor, which includes the individual will, the individual age and the individual physical condition. The individual will is whether the individual is fertile or not. When to have children, boys or girls, that is, the number of births. The time and gender view. And the individual age and the individual body condition is the individual to oneself age as well as the physical condition appraisal. The second point is the family factor. Specifically includes the family will and the family support two aspects. Family support is divided into family financial support and family care support. Family will include parents. The views of spouses and children on childbearing. Family financial support is the financial support of the family itself and from the parents. Family care support is the care provided by the family throughout the birth cycle and during the development of the child after birth. Support. The third is social factors. Specifically, regional fertility culture is included. Fertility policy, social services and facilities, as well as the pressure of female career development. Regional fertility culture refers to different cultural atmosphere in different regions, mainly refers to the cultural differences between urban and rural areas. Personal will plays a positive role in the choice of the second child, while age and female pressure of career development have a negative correlation with the choice of birth of the second child, while other factors have no obvious correlation with the birth of the second child. And the above factors are not independent, and there is no dominant factor, but the interaction of each factor, together to affect the family fertility decision.
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